8-7-17 Profound Words

I found this post today. These are the words of Thomas Merton,monk,priest,prophet,and mystic. They are profound considering the source.

Lord, have mercy.
Have mercy on my darkness, my weakness, my confusion. Have mercy on my infidelity, my cowardice, my turning about in circles, my wandering, my evasions.
I do not ask anything but such mercy, always, in everything, mercy. My life here at Gethsemane -- a little solitary and very much ashes.
Almost everything is ashes. What I have prized most is ashes. What I have tended to least is, perhaps, a little solid.
Lord have mercy. guide me, make me want again to be holy, to be a man of God even though in desperateness and confusion.
I do not necessarily ask for clarity, a plain way, but only to go according to Your love, to follow Your mercy, to trust in Your mercy. - Dialogues With Silence p. 121

Even one of the comments was profound.
Perhaps Thomas Merton should have taken Saint Theresa of Lisieux words to heart. She said, " Remembering my faults, humbles me and helps me never to rely on my own strength, All we have to do is to humble ourselves and bear with meekness our imperfections. If you are willing to bear in peace the trial of not being pleased with yourself,you will be offering God a home in your heart."   Eileen Wood
A men to all the above.

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