8-26-17 Sins of America Part IV Pedophilia

Sexual abuse of children

Pedophilia is horrific action and crime against the children. On this writing, I bring forth motives and causes why some people commit

Usually, religious communities have very high moral teachings about sexuality. Among some (not all) religious communities are individuals who molest children by different sexual activities. Those individuals practice pedophilia because they haven't the relationship with the real God. A religious pedophile is a slave of his perverted sexual lusts.
Some (not all) priests of the Roman Catholic Church practice pedophilia. What are reasons for wide practicing of pedophilia in the Roman Catholic Church? Mainly, because they are not the real disciple of the Lord Jesus, and therefore, they have not powered to resist pervert sin of pedophilia. Of course, there are also other reasons that I handle next.
The Roman Catholic Church has the doctrine that clergy can't marry a woman. The Roman Catholic Church teaches its priests very negatively about women, only Mary is valued among priests. Priests have promised to keep celibacy and not touch the women by sexually. For these reasons, priests of the Roman Catholic Church mainly molest and sexually abuse boys. Because the Roman Catholic Church teaches to its priests negatively about women, therefore, they mainly practice pedophilia toward boys.
The celibacy is a very sure reason that perverts the sexuality of priests. When a priest can't practice a healthy sex life with a woman inside the marriage, it perverts his sexuality and can appear as a pedophilic act lusting sexually boys. When a priest can't marry and practice sex with an adult woman, so his mind becomes distorted, and he begins to carry out perverted sex act toward boys. Inside the Roman Catholic Church, pedophilia is spread to very wide and exposes that RCC is religious institution and organization that don't represent Biblical faith in the Lord Jesus.
Inside of some religious communities and groups' pedophilia is the wide problem. The main reason for it is that individuals within those communities are not born-again believers, but carnal and religious individuals. 
Many of those religious communities teach high moral education, but they lack the power of God (the Holy Spirit). Individual who has no power of the Holy Spirit in his heart has no ability to resist lusts of his heart. In some case despite high moral sexual education individual choose pervert sex behavior, because he has no power to live according to normal sexual behavior. 
Religious movements which teach narrow-minded distorting beautiful sexuality between man and woman in the marriage can cause pervert sex behavior. If religious movement teaches about sexuality all the time negatively focusing sex sins, so it can cause pervert sex behavior.
It is right to tell about sex sins, but health Biblical faith tells that sex is the beautiful gift of God, and the right place practicing of sex is in the marriage, in other words, in a permanent relationship between man and woman. More focusing of negative things about sexuality can lead some individuals to practice pervert sexuality. Focusing on the right and Biblical sexuality lead individuals to carry out health and right sexuality.
Religious movements that teach that women are not equal with men, but worse as men very often can lead to perverting sexual behavior (pedophilia and sexual abuse or rape of women). The distorted position of women can lead sexualizing women as sex objects. When women haven't the right value but are only sex objects of men, so it can lead in some cases perversion in which a man sexually abuses a little helpless girl. Very often in such religious sects that declare to be the only one who has the truth appears sexual abuse and pedophilia.
In the communities and churches where don't appear pedophilia and sexual abuse, the position of a woman is Biblical, which means that a man and woman are equal before God.
The real and right Biblical believing in the Lord Jesus don't practice pedophilia because it is a disgusting and abominable sin of fornication. It is very unfortunate that many people think that religious communities pedophilia sins are made by the real believers in God. Biblical faith and pedophilia have absolutely nothing common. 
The Biblical faith never practices pedophilia, because it is abominable sin before God. Religiousness and believing in the Lord Jesus are totally two different things. Religiousness speaks about the Bible but distorts the message and teaching of the Bible. A distinctive mark of religiousness is that religious person doesn't live according to the teaching of the Bible. Some godless people believe that pedophilia of Roman Catholic Church is acts of Bible believing people, although in the question is acts of religious people sex sins, not the acts of the real Jesus' disciples.
1 Cor 6:9 ¶ Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
In the end of 1 Cor 6:9 Greek text appears two words (malakos and arsenokoites). Malakos means soft, effeminate,  of a catamite, of a boy, kept for homosexual relations with a man, of a male who submits his body to unnatural lewdness, of a male prostitute. Arsenokoites means one who lies with a male as with a female, sodomite, homosexual.
In the end of 1 Cor 6:9 is very clear teaching that sex between adult and child is a sin. The verse teaches that sex between man, and boy is a sin, but self-evident is that sex between man and girl is a sin. The Bible condemns pedophilia as a sin that people who practice it cannot inherit the kingdom of God unless they repent and forsake sin of pedophilia. 
It is very clear and obvious that the real Jesus' disciple can't practice sin of pedophilia.  In the Biblical faith and congregation don't appear sin of pedophilia.  When some individual practice pedophilia, so into question is individual who lives totally against the will of God. The Bible teaches that practitioner of pedophilia can't inherit the kingdom of God. It is obvious that the real Jesus' disciples have nothing to do with pedophilia.
In the heart of pedophile, sexuality has badly distorted, and he can't accomplish healthy sexuality, therefore he tries to hide his sexual perversion from other people. Therefore, he chooses a child as his sexual object. Pedophile thinks that he can control a child and carry out his sexual activity with a child. A pedophile can be very nice to children in first contacts, but later they can frighten and threaten that they make some bad things to a child, parents of a child or other relatives of the child. A pedophile can also use bribery, in which pedophile bribes a child with money or some goods.
Pedophiles have different motives for practicing pedophilia. Some pedophiles think in their sick and pervert mind that they bring sexual satisfaction to children.  Many pedophiles have told that previous motive is the reason why they practice pedophilia. This kind of motive is perverted and distorted, which lead to criminal activity, for pedophilia is a disgusting crime.
In the mind of pleasure, a loving pedophile is the pervert bias, in which he thinks that when he gets satisfaction, so also a child gets. Pedophile in his distorted mind doesn't understand that his sexual satisfaction to a child is painful, agonizing and horrendous experiences for a child.
Some pedophiles think that their sexuality is normal.  Usually, this kind of pedophile thinks that he gives a love to a child, and pedophile thinks that it is normal behavior. The mind of this kind of pedophile is badly sick and distorted. This kind of pedophile can be also very dangerous, because if a child rejects pedophile's "love indication," so pedophile can kill a child. A man who lives under so strong perversion can give in a moment "love", but when he faces rejection, he can commit a homicide. Facing rejection can cause a very negative reaction. When is into question an individual whose mind is perverted and sick, so negative reaction can be deadly to a child.
There exist also pedophiles who want to hurt children and is some cases to kill their victims. Pedophilia is a serious crime, which can lead violent sexual abuse or homicide.
Pedophiles have some common factors, which are that action is tried to make in secret. Manipulation of the victim, threat and frighten are methods by which pedophile tries to hide his perversion. Pedophile works in secret and tries to control his victim by manipulation and threats. For this reason, many children dare not speak and expose pedophile who sexually abused them. Many children expose a pedophile until they have grown up for adults.
Parents who have little children should have had the courage to speak their children and say that there exist pedophiles who want sexually abuse little children. Many parents don't want to speak their children because they think that children are afraid and have mistrust and lack of confidence towards adults. If the things are presented in a wrong way, so children can become anguished and undergo emotions of insecurity. When you tell your children in a right way about pedophilia, so he doesn't get traumas, and he learns to recognize dangerous situations, and he avoids becoming a victim of a pedophile.
Parents should tell their children that all adults are not pedophiles, but some are. Children don't need to avoid contacts with adults because for children must tell how pedophiles behave. Very often a pedophile aims to behave like a very nice and as the trustful adults whom he could win and awaken the confidence of children. When a pedophile has won a child's trust and confidence, so then he begins molesting that children don't even understand at the beginning. In some cases, a pedophile tries to win the confidence of parents that he could get to touch to children.
When a pedophile has won a child's confidence, so he usually begins to touch intimate areas or ask that a child would touch intimate areas of the pedophile. Pedophile also wants to tell a secret that a child cannot expose anyone. In this way, a pedophile tries to hide his perversion. A pedophile can also threaten that he shall do some evil and bad thing for parents, relatives or child's pet.
A pedophile can also manipulate, persuade and seduce a child to have sex with a pedophile. In this kind of case pedophile very often pay attention to a child, for example, he can buy something that is very remarkable for a child. When a pedophile has won the trust of a child, so pedophile seduces him to have sex with him. In this kind of case very often a child doesn't understand that a pedophile is manipulating and make sex crime abusing sexually a child. Also, for this reason, is very important to tell a child that what pedophilia is. Seducing of a child having a sex is a pedophilia punishable crime.
If parents tell distinctive marks of a pedophile for a child, so he learns to recognize the danger of pedophile and avoid the company of pedophiles. If you want to protect your child about traumas and dare not to tell him or her about pedophilia, so he can't recognize and take cover and protect himself from pedophilia and can be caught as a victim of a pedophile. Telling the facts about pedophilia your child can trust you and other adults and learn to recognize the danger of pedophilia.
Very often pedophiles seek professions that deal with children and young people. Pedophiles can be a very active on children and youth companies and organizations. Many pedophiles act as anybody normal adult and therefore, it is very difficult to recognize a pedophile. Pedophiles try in every way to hide their pedophilic tendency. In addition, for this reason, identification of pedophile is very difficult. Therefore, it is very important to tell the children about pedophilia, because the children are in many cases, the only ones who can recognize a pedophile. When a pedophile tries to take a sexual contact to a child, so enlightened and well-informed child can recognize a pedophile and avoid a role as a pedophile's victim. For this reason, it is very important that to the children have been told about pedophilia, because it prevents them to be victims of a pedophile.
Little child or young person who has been a victim of a pedophile feels very often agonizing guilt in his heart, for the reason of the sexual abuse. One thing that has not been enough discussed is victim's sexual satisfaction by practicing of pedophilia.
When I have met pedophile's victims, so some of them say that they are ashamed and feel a lot of guilt because of pedophilia. They have not dared to speak about their shame and guilt.  Some pedophiles act in such way that they cause sexual pleasure to a victim, for example, rubbing genitals. In this way, they manipulate that a victim thinks that he/she is a participant in a pedophilic act. Many pedophiles' victims go through a lot of shame and guilt because a pedophile has brought a sexual pleasure to them. 
The shame and guilt of a child or young person are vain because certain activity in the area of genitals produces sexual pleasure. Pedophilia is a crime and sin against a child, and victim's sexual pleasure (if it has happened) doesn't mean that he/she has co-operated with a pedophile to sexual activity. Pedophilia is a crime of manipulation to a sexual act, forcing to a sexual act, threatening and intimidation, and that child or young person is a victim of the sex crime (pedophilia). Of course, the majority of pedophilia experiences are agonizing, but in some cases, a victim can undergo emotions of sexual pleasure.
Sexual pleasure of a victim is not shameful and a thing that doesn't need feel guilt, because adult pedophile has manipulated that a child has undergone the feeling of sexual pleasure. If you are in the situation, in which you feel guilt and shame for sexual pleasure as a victim of a pedophile, so don't be on shame and guilt yourself, but expose a pedophile. Talk to your parents, relatives, officials, police, teachers or child welfare officials. It is very important that you tell the matter to some adult who can pass on your matter forward that a pedophile can get caught and sentenced for a sex crime. In every case, a victim must expose a pedophile and do not be afraid pedophile's threats.
If father or stepfather has sexually abused his child, so also in this kind of case, the matter must expose, although first to the mother. As a victim of pedophilia or incest very often happens that a child loses his trust to adults, and he can't tell or expose this matter. Very often behind obmutescence is a strong shame of emotion preventing that a child can't tell or expose a pedophile.
If you are a victim of pedophilia or incest, so you have nothing to shame, because you are a victim of the serious sex crimes. It is absolutely important that you tell your story and expose a pedophile or person who has practiced incest toward you. In the cases where the abuser is own father or mother telling of the matter raise the threshold for a very high. However, also in this kind of case is absolutely important that you expose the abuse.
A pedophile tries to hide his pedophilic actions. A pedophile, for example, can blame a child by saying that a child is a participant in the sexual activity. Don't believe pedophile's speech, but expose him as soon as you understand that you are a victim of a pedophilia sex crime. Society and justice department shall condemn a pedophile for a sex crime to jail. Don't afraid, because a pedophile can't harm you or your family. It is absolutely important that you expose pedophilic abuse or someone who has shown clear attentions of pedophilic actions.
Pedophilia is a very wide-range problem, which is not only the problem of religious sects and communities, but pedophilia is the more common and wider problem among nonreligious people as in religious groups. Pedophilia is an aggravating and horrific crime. The root of pedophilia is in the nature of sinner man who is a rebellion against God. Many pedophiles have undergone sexual abusing in their childhood, and therefore, they practice pedophilia. A pedophile can also undergo inability practicing sex with an adult person and for this reason, he practices pedophilia. Sexuality has perverted on pedophiles, and he tries to get sexual contacts for unnatural objects and choose a child as his object of sexual lust.
Emotional and mental incompleteness can predispose practicing of pedophilia. In some cases, individuals who suffer emotional and mental incompleteness have practiced pedophilia. When an adult person hasn't reached maturity into healthy adulthood, so in some cases they can aim their sexual needs towards children because they don't get along with adults. However, we can't generalize, because all emotional and mental incompleteness individuals do not practice pedophilia.
People who are under sex addictions can come, pedophiles, because they very often seek more and more stimulus to their sex addictions. An individual who suffers from sex addiction generally does not content anything, but seeks more vicious and pervert ways to carry out his sexuality. For this reason, he can drift for a pedophile. Pedophilia often begins as voyeurism.
Some pedophiles feel great shame and anger toward themselves because they are pedophiles. It is a very big threshold for a pedophile to seek out the help because a pedophilia is a so big and aggravating crime. If you recognize that you need help for pedophilia feeling shame and anger toward you, so go and find help for yourself. Don't care about the judgment of society, but think about it that by getting the help you can heal from pedophilia and spare deep wounds and traumas of many children.
If you feel shame and anger toward you for pedophilia, so it is a signed understanding that you are doing wrong things. You still can be changed and healed. Do not spoil the life of many children, let them have a chance to live a normal life and let them have the opportunity to develop and grow in a healthy way.
If you are a pedophile, you still have a chance to be healed. Go and find out a remedy, go and get some help for yourself. The best way to be healed is to confess a pedophilia as a sin to God and believe on the Lord Jesus. Health and Biblical faith heal you from pedophilia and lead you to health and normal sexuality.
Majority of sexual crimes have made by men. (Essay: Sexual Offending Against Children publishers: Tony Morrison, Marcus Erooga, and  Richard C. Beckett) American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children organization reports that most of the sexual crimes have made by men.
A remarkable amount of pedophiles victims are boys. The ratio is 2-4 girls and 1 boy. According to report all cases concerning abusing of boys are not reported and pedophilia cases aimed to boys are more common than earlier reports has uncovered. Fifteen years ago believed that sexual abuse ratio was 9:1 aimed more for girls than boys. In new studies, the ratio is remarkably narrowed. Some of the researchers believe that boys are abused equal common as girls. (Bill Watkins and Arnon Bentovim, "The Sexual Abuse of Male Children and Adolescents: A Review of Current Research," Journal of Child Psychiatry 33 (1992); in Byrgen Finkelman, Sexual Abuse (New York: Garland Publishing, 1995), p. 300.) (Kee MacFarlane, et al., Sexual Abuse of Young Children: Evaluation and Treatment (New York: The Guilford Press, 1986), p. 9.)
The men make almost all sex crimes against children. In the prisons of England and Wales are 3000 men convicted of sex crimes against children? Comparable number of women is only 12. (Dawn Fisher, "Adult Sex Offenders: Who are They? Why and How Do They Do It?" in Tony Morrison et al., eds., Sexual Offending Against Children (London: Routledge, 1994), p. 11.)
Practicing of pedophilia is more common among men than women. Men that aim their pedophilic acts towards girls is the indication of sexual disorder, in which can be many reasons and every case is individual. One reason can be that many men have difficulties to tie relationship with opposite adult gender. This leads getting sexual contact with the girl because the girl can't behave like an adult, so a pedophile is capable of manipulating a child into sexual interaction (intercourse). Ignorance and lack of communication with an adult can lead perverted sexuality and pedophilia.
Among heterosexual men reasons of sexual abuse for girls arise from many factors. In all cases is the question about the twisted and perverted practice of sexuality. One reason can be incompetence to tie relationship with adult women; in some cases, a man who doesn't g attention of an adult woman can drift into pedophilia practicing sex with a girl. Incompetence by sexual intercourse with an adult woman can lead a man to pedophilia, in which a man wants to control, dominate and submit a child to sexual intercourse.
If some man has features, which make him repulsive and disgusting in the sight of women, so a man is in very great danger to be a pedophile who sexually abuses girls.
In the background of pedophilia can be childhood traumas and very often a pedophile has been in his childhood a victim as a pedophile.
One reason must be mentioned, which is a sin where evil spirits of darkness are tempting with the different kind of stimulus and experiences into the pedophilia.
Psychiatry, psychology and sex therapy does not recognize the evil spirit connection of pedophilia, but it is the real power affecting on pedophilia action.
My intention is not to provoke or arise out of discrimination against homosexuals, but bring forth real facts about studies and researchers indicating that pedophilia is more common among homosexuals as heterosexuals. This subject is very sensitive and my intention is not to offend, insult or agitate and provoke anyone against homosexuals. Into question is not hate speech, but the matter that has been openly and publicly studied. The Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers defines hate speech as follows: The term “hate speech” shall be understood as covering all forms of expression which spread, incite, promote or justify racial hatred, xenophobia, antisemitism or other forms of hatred based on intolerance, including: intolerance expressed by aggressive nationalism and ethnocentrism, discrimination and hostility against minorities, migrants and people of immigrant origin.
Saying the truth for it that what connections have been researched between homosexuals and heterosexuals is not hated speech, but bringing forth the facts of studies and researchers.
Homosexuals are a percentage less than heterosexuals, but when pedophilia vases are proportioned by percentage, so homosexuals practice pedophilia more common as heterosexuals. This doesn't mean that all homosexuals are pedophiles, but that pedophilia is more common among homosexuals than heterosexuals.
Among some homosexual activists accepting of pedophilia is open, and they even want to allow children and young people to express their sexuality freely. Their goal is extreme dangerous wish and desire and for this reason, I handle widely connections of homosexuality to pedophilia.
Numbers of heterosexuals are more than homosexuals; the ratio is 21 to 1. In the light of ratio homosexual pedophiles make about the third of all sex crimes aimed to children. There are remarkable amount cases of sex crimes against children done by homosexual pedophiles.
Epidemiological evidence points out that only 2-4% of men have a sexual attraction to other men. 25-40% of men who have sexual attraction feel it toward boys. Thereby homosexual men have 6-20 times more tendencies to pedophilia than heterosexual men. (Blanchard et al., "Fraternal Birth Order and Sexual Orientation in Pedophiles," Archives of Sexual Behavior 29 (2000):464.)
Archives of Sexual Behavior research has observed a very clear difference between homosexual men and heterosexual men who sexually abuse children. In the research were 260 pedophiles in three groups; 152 heterosexual pedophiles who abused girls, 65 homosexual pedophiles who abused boys and 43 bisexual pedophiles who abused boys and girls. (Ray Blanchard, et al., "Fraternal Birth Order and Sexual Orientation in Pedophiles," Archives of Sexual Behavior 29 (2000): 471.)
When we take into the account homosexuals more lesser amount of the population, so among homosexuals pedophilia against boys is more common than among heterosexuals.
U.S. justice department (U.S. Bureau of Justice - Bureau of Justice Statistics) has made 2000 very wide research about sexual violence. The base of research was database years 1991-1996 from twelfth states (Alabama, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Dakota, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont and Virginia). States were part as NCVS-research (National Crime Victimization Survey). The name of research was "Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement: Victim, Incident and Offender Characteristics" and Dr. Howard Snyder was as the leader of the research. The research type distribution consisted of violent rape, violent sodomy, sexual violent with an object and violent caress. According to research sexual abuse cases of children occurred 25% by homosexuals and 75& by heterosexuals. Between years 1991-1996 proportions of homosexuals were in U.S. 2-3% from the population. When we count average from the population between homosexuals and heterosexuals, so statistical fact according to this research is that for a homosexual people probably come ten times more often a pedophile than from a heterosexual person.
Steve Baldwin made study in the year 2002 published by Regent University Law Review. According to his research, a pedophilia is more common among homosexuals than heterosexuals. The purpose of this research was to expose the dark side of homosexual culture. The research ended up to the result that molestation and abusing of the children appears remarkable more among homosexuals than heterosexuals when database sampling was statistics per person from the population.  Steve Baldwin brought forth in his article ("Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement"), that evidence support perception; that homosexuality's sexual abnormality contains disorders, which has horrible consequences to our society. Baldwin stated that it was very difficult to express the dark side of gay culture had not displayed as rude or harsh. Baldwin is very concerned from this matter, and he thinks that homosexual behavior threatens foundations of western civilization, which is a family.
Homosexual communities and the part of the media have mocked Baldwin, because of his statements. Baldwin stands for the back of his words bringing out that intentions of homosexual activists are attacking against children, because of gays' sexual pleasures and for the reason to widen and increase of homosexual movement.
Dr. Judith Reisman (Institute for Media Education) confirms Baldwin's conceptions on her study. According to the study of Reisman (cited psychologist Eugene Abel), sexual abuse toward young boys appears on homosexuals at least five times more often as compared to on sexual abuse to girls.
Carole Jenny's study claim that only two from 269 children sexual abusers can be identified as homosexual or lesbian. ("Are Children at Risk for Sexual Abuse by Homosexuals?" Pediatrics 94 (July 1994): 41-44.)
Jenny's study used atypical research technique. Jenny's study didn't interview children abusers. Researchers appealed to their own opinions and database from the information of victims, not abusers. They didn't ask behavior of sexual abusers. If and when they have beforehand decided that pedophiles who abuse boys aren't homosexuals so they can make the conclusion that some of them are married, or they have a girlfriend. However, research pointed out that 22% of pedophiles molested and abused the same gender. It is an indication for very clear homosexual pedophilia.
Homosexuals very often deny a very close connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. Dr. Gregory M. Herek is one of which deny these connections. Herek is openly and publicly a gay. Herek is also a psychologist. Herek's statements are matters that speak for own agenda because he is a gay, so he denies the very close connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. Many nonaligned and valid types of research clearly have shown that homosexuality and pedophilia have a very close connection between each other.
Definition of pedophile homosexual
Homosexual activists say that men who sexually abuse boys can't hold as homosexuals. Their definition is that homosexual tendency is such a kind of in which an adult man feel attraction toward another adult man. According to homosexual activists, a man who practices a pedophilia toward boys is not a homosexual. Some homosexuals say that a man can't define as homosexual if he has been married to a woman or practiced sex with a woman.
Definition of a homosexual pedophile does not close one another because they define two sexual attraction, in which a man feels attraction with the same gender who is a boy. Definition of a homosexual is a person who feels sexual attraction in the same gender as he is, in other words, where a man feels sexual attraction to another man.
An adult male pedophile who feels sexual attraction to the boy is both a homosexual and pedophile because he feels sexual attraction toward the same gender and toward a boy. This means that all men who sexually abuse boys are homosexuals.
Psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1940-1902) was a pioneer of study and research about abnormal sexuality who, firstly, introduced the concept of a homosexual pedophile. Pedophiles use the same concept in their bulletins.
Risk of repeat and covering action
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology report says that victims of pedophiles were for them very often strange and unknown. Some homosexual pedophiles have also other sexual perversions, and they have been convicted more often about earlier sex crimes than others. According to some research, homosexual pedophiles have a greater risk to repeat sex crime than those pedophiles who abused girls. Homosexual pedophiles risk of repeat a sex crime was double compared to pedophiles who abused girls. (James Bickley and Anthony R. Beech, "Classifying Child Abusers: Its Relevance to Theory and Clinical Practice," International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 45 2001)
Gay people and homosexual pedophiles have many kinds of tendencies in the area of sexuality, which are totally in conflict for normal sexuality. These several tendencies also lead many homosexuals as pedophiles, in which as the object of sexual attraction is a boy or young boy lover. In many cases' also an abundant selection of sexual behavior can be the attempt to cover and hide tendency of pedophilia.
Researchers have known a long time that pedophiles have an abundant selection of sexual behavior as an intention to draw attention away from their pedophilic tendency.
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology study about sexual criminals say that children sexual abusers very often can act unnoticed because you can't set them a certain stereotype. (Kristin A. Danni, et al., "An Analysis of Predictors of Child Sex Offender Types Using Presentence Investigation Reports," International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 44  2000)
Gay culture and pedophilia
David Thorstad is political activist and historian of the gay rights movement, and he claims that homosexuality and pedophilia have a natural and indisputable connection. Thorstad has written in his book (David Thorstad, "Man/Boy Love and the American Gay Movement," Journal of Homosexuality 20 (1990): p.253), that in the beginning of gay movement boy lovers were part of the movement, and their presence tolerated.
In the gay movement, the first edition of news article 1979 was the statement about love between man and boy, which showed that the final goal of gay liberation is an achievement that allows all people sexual freedom, including to children and young people freedom to express their sexuality.
David Thorstad cited Jim Kepner (Curator of the International Gay and Lesbian Archives in Los Angeles):
A point I've been trying to make is that if we reject the boylovers in our midst today we'd better stop waving the banner of the Ancient Greeks, of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, Horatio Alger, and Shakespeare. We'd better stop claiming them as part of our heritage unless we are broadening our concept of what it means to be gay today. (David Thorstad, "Man/Boy Love and the American Gay Movement," Journal of Homosexuality 20 (1990): p.266)
In 1985 the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which openly advocates "adult-child sex," was admitted as a member of New York's council of Lesbian and Gay Organizations as well as the International Gay Association--now the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA). In the mid-1990's ILGA's association with NAMBLA and other pedophile, groups cost the organization its status as a Non-Governmental Organization in the United Nations. (George Archibald, "U.N. Group Keeps Ban on Gay Lobby," Washington Times May 1, 2002)
Organizations that demand legalizing of pedophilia are totally blind to health and normal sexual behavior and morale. When a man has chosen abnormal sexuality, so it very easily twisted more and more. The danger example is a demand to legalize pedophilia.
Pedophilia and gay literature
The late "beat" poet Allen Ginsberg has said that there is a seamless connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. Biographer Raymond-Jean Frontain has written about Ginsberg's participation with the controversial North American Man/Boy Love Association" and that his works have patterned of references to anal intercourse and to pederasty. (Raymond-Jean Frontain, "The Works of Allen Ginsberg," Journal of Homosexuality 34 (1997): 109.)
Ginsberg was one of the first of homosexual writers who cater to the fascination with pedophilia in the gay community. Mary Eberstadt, writing in the Weekly Standard, has documented how the taboo against sex with children continues to erode. Revealingly, the examples she provides of pedophilia in current literature come from gay fiction. (Mary Eberstadt, "'Pedophilia Chic' Reconsidered" The Weekly Standard January 8, 2001)
Eberstadt cites the Village Voice, which says that "Gay fiction is rich with idyllic accounts of 'intergenerational relationships,' as such affairs are respectfully called these days. (Mary Eberstadt, "'Pedophilia Chic' Reconsidered" The Weekly Standard (January 8, 2001, p.21)
Eberstadt lists numerous examples of pedophilia-themed gay fiction which appear in "mainstream" homosexual anthologies. The Gay Canon: Great Books Every Gay Man Should Read features novels containing scenes of man-boy sex.
Paedophilia: The Radical Case book tells very detailed information that how you can get a very close intimate relationship with boys. (Tom O'Carroll, Paedophilia: The Radical Case (Boston: Alyson Publications, 1982)
Some homosexual observers have sincerely admitted that an inordinate fascination with pedophilia exists within the gay community. Lesbian columnist Paula Martinac, writing in the homosexual newspaper Washington Blade, states:
Some gay men still maintain that an adult who has same-sex relations with someone under the legal age of consent is on some level doing the kid a favor. . . . Adult-youth sex is viewed as an important aspect of gay culture. . . . . This romanticized version of adult-youth sexual relations has been a staple of gay literature
Among gay movement affect fictions that idolize and promote pedophilia. This is arrogant and brazen indication showing how gay movement tries to manipulate and change health sexual concepts to the wrong direction.
Gay movements and pedophilia
One of the widest U.S. gay website (www.qrd.org), Queer Resource Directory links almost every American homosexual group and association, including NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) and also other gay communities, which have concentrated their sexual attraction children and young people. Remarkable is that Queer Resource Directory site is one of the widest gay websites in U.S. Linking to several gay movement pedophilia sites is an indication that among homosexuals pedophilia is widely supported. This proves that homosexuality has a very close connection to pedophilia.
Many leader characters and dignitaries of U.S. gay movement supports NAMBLA and its goals. Gay authors and leaders as Allen Ginsberg, Gayle Rubin, Larry Kramer (founder ACT-UP), Pat Califia, Jane Rule, Michael Kearns and Michel Foucault have written favorably about NAMBLA and sexual relationship between man and boy. Harry Hay is the important character in U.S. gay movement, and he invited 1993 to march with him in the parade on Washington". Hay marched 1986 in Los Angeles gay parade wearing a shirt in which was text: "NAMBLA walks with me."
Leading mainstream homosexual newspapers and magazines such as the Advocate, Edge, Metroline, The Guide and The San Francisco Sentinel have published articles and columns and have accepted NAMBLA and sex with the children and young people.
The editor of The Guide, Ed Hougen, stated in an interview with Lambda Report, "I believe they (NAMBLA) are generally interested in the right of young people to be sexual . . . . I am glad there is a group like  NAMBLA that is willing to be courageous." The San Francisco Sentinel was blunter: "NAMBLA’s position on sex is not unreasonable, just unpopular. When a 14-year-old gay boy approaches a man for sex, it’s because he wants sex with a man."
The purpose of this kind comment is tried to make a legal sexual relationship between a man and a boy. The tactic is appealing to the emotions; if a boy wants.
NAMBLA's goal is legalizing sex between a man and a boy. Ed Hougen knows this, so he supports a sexual relationship between a man and a boy.
Gay movement tries to change concepts of the people by continual emotion conditioning. This means that when emotions of the people have been changed positive to homosexuality, so the people do not need justification or the facts because his positive emotion is truth for him even if it is conflicted with the truth. Planned manipulation abuse always emotions of the people. If you can win peoples' emotions to serve your agenda, so any facts and matters can't influence the mind of the people, because he is led by emotions, not by the rational sense.
The purpose of the gay movement is removing the conflicts and abnormality of homosexuality in a way that propagandistic manipulation annuls all negative comprehensions about homosexuality. In this way, gay movement tries to mix up all things and manipulative condition of the matters at least lead people to feel positive feelings for homosexuality.
The goal of gay movement becomes filled when emotions among the people have been led in order to condition, in which the people see homosexuals as the victims. As the consequence of this gay movement obtains the goal, in which the people feel hate and negative emotions toward those who say that homosexuality is a sin or abnormal. The final goal is total eliminating of opponents. Gay movement uses the same tactic advocating legalizing the sex between an adult and a child. When the truth is twisted and peoples' emotions have accepted abnormality, so they can't separate what is right and wrong, because his emotion is the meter of justice, even it would be wrong.
Gay movement's conquest of the world has begun from the USA and from there its goals has reached all over the world. In the beginning, America's people resisted gay movement, but little by little people accepted it and nowadays homosexuality is accepted almost everywhere in the world. Among America's homosexuals accepting of pedophilia is very wide-range and their goal is made from it acceptable world widely. 1950-60's in America the homosexuality was held as abnormal and people couldn't think that it would become acceptable some day. However, the sin of homosexuality is accepted nowadays. Gay movement's next goal is legalizing the sex between a man and a boy. These demands shall spread the world widely and everywhere sexual moral is decreasing so it would be only the matter of time when this sex sin between a man and a boy will be legalized.
Consequences of pedophilic homosexuality
One very sad and tragic feature of homosexual pedophilia is that a man who sexually abuses a boy very often leads his victim into homosexuality and pedophilia. Evidence shows that majority of homosexuals and pedophiles have experienced sexual abuse during their childhood. One very remarkable find in the research was that 46% gay men and 22& lesbian women reported experiencing sexual abuse by the same-gender adult during their childhood. As the contrast, only 7% heterosexual men and 1% heterosexual women reported experienced sexual abuse by the same-gender adult during their childhood. (Marie, E. Tomeo et al., "Comparative Data of Childhood and Adolescence Molestation in Heterosexual and Homosexual Persons," Archives of Sexual Behavior 30  2001)
The research and publication of Journal of the American Medical Association about 279 homosexual men and bisexual men (who have AIDS) and their comparison group brought forth that over half of AIDS-group and control group told that had been intercourse action with a man before age of 16 and about 20% had been at the age of 9 and also under the age of 9. (Harry W. Haverkos, et al., "The Initiation of Male Homosexual Behavior," The Journal of the American Medical Association 262  July 28, 1989): 501)
David Finkelhor is a well-known researcher of children sexual abuse, who has stated in his studies that the boys who had been as the victims of sexual abuse by a man had been as adults four times more often in gay relationships than the boys who had not been sexually abused during their childhood. Moreover, young boys have told that reason of their homosexuality is because some man sexually abused them during their childhood. (Watkins and Bentovim, s. 316)
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology has published the research, which says that group of pedophiles examined 40% told that they had been the victim of sexual abuse many times before the age 14 and 28% told that had been as a victim sometimes. (Gary A. Sawle, Jon Kear-Colwell, "Adult Attachment Style and Pedophilia: A Developmental Perspective," International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 45  February 2001)
America's National Institute of Justice records that a child who has experienced sexual abuse during his childhood will come as an adult sex criminal 4,7 times more often than a person who hasn't experienced sexual abuse in his childhood. (Cathy Spatz Widom, "Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse - Later Criminal Consequences," Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse Series: NIJ Research in Brief,  March 1995)
Child Abuse and Neglect publication say that 59% of male sex criminals experienced sexual abuse during their childhood.  ( Elliott, p. 582)
Journal of Child Psychiatry says that boys who have experienced sexual abuse have the tendency to repeat their own experience thus that from him comes sexual abuse. (Watkins, p. 319.) According to Watkins, several studies confirm that 19-16% male sexual abusers have experienced sexual abuse during their childhood.
Sexual molestation and abusing are like heritage that some homosexuals (not all) wanted to legalize accepting the sex between an adult and a child. Too many pedophile's victims have been driven for a pedophile when he has come, adult. Exposing the truth, for instance, homosexual pedophilia, we can cut the vicious circle of pedophilia that some young people can avoid being caught as a victim of a pedophile and also to cut development of victim ending up to a pedophile when he is an adult. Our duty and task are to protect our children from the evil sin of pedophilia.
The Bible and pedophilia
Very often I hear a false claim that the Bible doesn't condemn the pedophilia. Mostly, behind this false claim is gay activists that wanted to legalize the sex between a man and a boy. In the Bible is a mention about pedophilia, in which it is condemned as sin whose doers shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
English Bible versions from this matter don't bring forth the right meaning because English versions have not translated word corresponding to the meaning of original language (Greek). When we study 1 Cor 6:9 in the light of Greek language, so we find out that the Bible condemns the pedophilia.
1 Cor 6:9 ¶ Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Cor 6:9 at the end of the verse is two Greek words that are (malakos and arsenokoites). Malakos means soft, effeminate, of a catamite,  of a boy, kept for homosexual relations with a man,  of a male who submits his body to unnatural lewdness,  of a male prostitute. Arsenokoites means one one who lies with a male as with a female, sodomite, homosexual.
1 Cor 6:9 say that the sex (pedophilia) between a man and a boy, homosexuality and male prostitution are sins whose doers shall not inherit the kingdom of God. The Bible condemns the pedophilia as a sin of the death.
Summary about homosexual pedophilia
Results of researchers point out indisputably that homosexual tendency and pedophilia are a remarkable connection with one another. This doesn't mean that every homosexual is pedophiles, but that remarkable amount of them feels sexual attraction toward children and underage young people.
According to researchers, homosexual pedophiles have various sexual tendencies as the purpose to draw away attention from their pedophilia tendency. Question is covering and hiding action as the purpose to hide the real sexual tendency. Thus, identification of pedophile is more difficult. If some person has exceptional sexual tendencies, so he can try to hide his attraction to pedophilia. This information can help for recognizing of a pedophile and prevent to a child being caught as a victim of a pedophile.
Among gay movement, pedophilia is a very dangerous phenomenon, because some (not all) gay activists try to legalize the sex between a man and a boy. Abundant pedophilic literature in the midst of gay movement causes more sexual corruption and homosexual pedophilia. It would be absolutely important that societies would deny pedophilic literature by the laws.
Some gay activists appeal for adult-child sex that it was very common and accepted during Antiquity Greek. This kind of argumentation is not acceptable, in fact, part of Greeks didn't accept pedophilia. Adult-child sex is unnatural and abnormal, in which an adult selfish way fulfill his distorted and perverted sexuality. According to the teaching of the Bible, pedophilia is a sin that requires repentance. Adult pedophile ruthlessly sexually abuses a child, in which a child is an object of adult sex perversion. A child is like a sex toy of an adult where an adult abuse selfish a child to achieve perverted, crooked and corrupted sexual pleasure.
In homosexuality can be seen a very selfish agenda, in which they try to make heterosexuals to participate in homosexual acts and make them as homosexuals. Homosexual pedophile acts in the same way because the remarkable amount of pedophiles' victims end up to homosexuality, and some of them come pedophiles. According to researchers remarkable amount of individuals who had been victims of pedophile during their children end up to sex crimes when they have grown as adults.
Preceding facts are very worrying and alarming phenomenon. For this reason, society must do all that pedophilia must wipe out from the society. We must have courage openly and publicly also bring forth very close connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. This doesn't mean a label that all homosexuals are pedophiles, but a fact that among homosexuality, the pedophilia is more common than among heterosexuals. Of course, we must be very tight with all pedophilia also heterosexual pedophilia, but for homosexuality, it must be very tight, because in the midst of gay movement are people who want to legalize adult-child sex.
part of gay movement and media don't believe that homosexuality and pedophilia have a very close connection. Therefore, they accuse that people who don't accept homosexuality and say that homosexuality and pedophilia has a very close connection are intolerant. Very clear facts and studies have shown close connection of homosexuality and pedophilia, and for this reason is very important to bring it forth.
Worrying and alarming is that societies accept homosexuality. Accepting homosexuality increase pedophilia, as we have seen so many studies show that pedophilia has a very close connection to homosexuality. Development is alarming because wrong tolerance knocks down a healthy morale and in the long run contaminates healthy moral concept and changes it to pervert direction. Wrong tolerance shall also increase sufferings of the children by sexual abuse.
It is very unfortunate that some heterosexual individuals condemn all information about a close connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. Some of them deny all trustful studies from this topic. For the reason, the iniquity of sins is increasing in the end times in the world according to the prophecies of the word of God (Bible). Therefore, the people do not discern wrong things and sins. The phenomenon of the last days is manipulation and brainwash to sins why they support all pervert sins. For this reason, they don't see that close connection of homosexuality and pedophilia is the fact.
According to the Bible, homosexuality and pedophilia are sins that require repentance. The Lord Jesus can change every pedophile and turn their sexuality as normal ( the permanent relationship between a man and a woman). The gospel about the Lord Jesus can do miracles, when a man confesses his sins, repent and believe on the Lord Jesus. If you are a pedophile who read this writing; God can forgive you and He can heal your mind and sexuality as normal. The Lord Jesus wants to save you and give eternal life.  
The Quran (Koran) accepts adult-child sex. My intention is not to provoke or arise out of discrimination against Muslims, but bring forth real facts indicating that Koran and Muslimism accept pedophilia. This subject is very sensitive and my intention is not to offend, insult or agitate and provoke anyone against Muslims. Into question is not hate speech, but the matter that has been openly and publicly studied. The Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers defines hate speech as follows: The term “hate speech” shall be understood as covering all forms of expression which spread, incite, promote or justify racial hatred, xenophobia, antisemitism or other forms of hatred based on intolerance, including: intolerance expressed by aggressive nationalism and ethnocentrism, discrimination and hostility against minorities, migrants and people of immigrant origin.
Saying the truth for it that what Koran and Muslims teach is not hated speech, but bringing forth the facts.
Quran 65:
2 thus when they fulfill their term appointed, either take them back on equitable terms or part with them on equitable terms; and take for witness two persons from among you, endued with justice, and establish the evidence as before Allah. such is the admonition given to him who believes in Allah and the last day. and for those who fear Allah, he never prepares a way out,
3 and he provide for him from sources he never could imagine. and if anyone puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is Allah for him. for Allah will surely accomplish his purpose: verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion.
4 such of your women as have passed the age of monthly courses, for them the prescribed period, if ye have any doubts, is three months, and for those who have no courses it is the same: for those who carry life within their wombs, their period is until they deliver their burdens: and for those who fear Allah, He will make their path easy.
In verse four is teaching about wives whose menstruation has not yet begun. The girls have menstruation generally about the age of 10-16. According to Quran (Koran), Muslim men can have very young wives whose menstruation has not yet begun. Quran allows adult-child sex.
The prophet Muhammad married girl named Aisha when she was six years old. The prophet Muhammad had intercourse (sex) with Aisha when she was nine years old. Some Muslims (not all) follow the example of Muhammad and take very young girls to their wives.
Muslims' own sources hadiths prove that Muhammad had a sexual relationship with a little girl:
Sahih Muslim: Book 008, Number 3309:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house at the age of nine.http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/hadith/muslim/008-smt.php
Sahih Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64:
Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).
Sahih Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 62, Number 65:
Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that 'Aisha remained with the Prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death)." what you know of the Quran (by heart)'http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/hadith/bukhari/062-sbt.php
Sahih Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 62, Number 88:
Narrated 'Ursa: The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with 'Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).

Modern Islam's scholars say that Quran 65:4 teaches that Muslim men can have a girl as a wife. Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi (d. 1979) in Tafhim al Quran (Commentary on the Quran) interprets verse 65:4 as:
And if you are in doubt about those of your women who have despaired of menstruation, (you should know that) their waiting period is three months, and the same applies to those who have not menstruated as yet. They may not have menstruated as yet either because of young age or delayed menstrual discharge as it happens in the case of some women, or because of no discharge at all throughout life which, though rare, may also be the case. In any case, the waiting-period of such a woman is the same as of the woman, who has stopped menstruation that is three months from the time divorce was pronounced.
Here, one should bear in mind the fact that according to the explanations given in the Quran the question of the waiting period arises in respect of the women with whom marriage may have been consummated, for there is no waiting-period in case divorce is pronounced before the consummation of marriage. (Al-Ahzab: 49). Therefore, making mention of the waiting-period for the girls who have not yet menstruated, clearly proves that it is not only permissible to give away the girl in marriage at this age but it is also permissible for the husband to consummate the marriage with her. Now, obviously, no Muslim has the right to forbid a thing which the Quran has held as permissible.
Quran according to the teaching of Islam allows pedophilia (adult-child sex). This doesn't mean that every Muslim accepts adult-child sex, but that Quran allows sex between an adult and a child.
Islam question & answer site: It was narrated from ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) married her when she was six years old, he consummated the marriage with her when she was nine and she stayed with him for nine years. ... The fact that it is permissible to marry a young girl does not mean that it is permissible to have intercourse with her; rather that should not be done until she is able for it. For that reason, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) delayed the consummation of his marriage to ‘Aa’ishah. Al-Nawawi said: With regard to the wedding-party of a young married girl at the time of consummating the marriage, if the husband and the guardian of the girl agree upon something that will not cause harm to the young girl, then that may be done. If they disagree, then Ahmad and Abu ‘Ubayd say that one a girl reaches the age of nine then the marriage may be consummated even without her consent, but that does not apply in the case of who is younger. Maalik, al-Shaafa’i and Abu Haneefah said: the marriage may be consummated when the girl is able for intercourse, which varies from one girl to another so no age limit can be set. This is the correct view. There is nothing in the hadeeth of ‘Aa’ishah to set an age limit or to forbid that in the case of a girl who is able for it before the age of nine or to allow it in the case of a girl who is not able for it and has reached the age of nine. Al-Dawoodi said: ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) was reached physical maturity (at the time when her marriage was consummated).  
On the faith of Islam consummation means that a Muslim man can practice sex with his wife. The religion of Islam teaches that a Muslim can have sex with his wife when she turns nine years.
Dr. Ah­mad Al-Mu’bi Saudi marriage officiantMarriage is actually two things: First, we are talking about the marriage contract itself. This is one thing while consummating the marriage - having sex with the wife for the first time - is another thing. There is no minimal age for entering marriage. You can have a marriage contract even with a one-year-old girl, not to mention of nine, seven or eight. This is merely a contract (indicating) consent. The guardian in such case must be the father because the father's opinion is obligatory. Thus, the girl becomes a wife. But is the girl ready for sex yet or not? What is the appropriate age for having sex for the first time? This varies according to environment and traditions. In Yemen, girls were married off at nine, ten, eleven, eight or thirteen, while in other countries, they are married off at 16. Some countries have legislated laws forbidding having sex before the girl is eighteen. The prophet Muhammad is the model we follow. He took Aisha to be his wife when she was six, but he had sex with her only when she was nine. He consummated the marriage by having sex with her for the first time when she was nine. We consider the prophet Muhammad to be our model.     (LBC TV Libanon June 19, 2008)
Muslims who believe in Quran hold the prophet Muhammad as their model and therefore, Islam that based on Quran teaches that a man can have a girl as the wife and with her can have sex for the first time when the girl is at nine. The practice of Islam about sex between a man and a girl fulfill the sign of pedophilia.
Increasing of Islam in the western countries is worrying and alarming because in the midst of Muslims are people who believe the teaching of Quran about adult-child sex. Their purpose is spread their faith, including sex between a man and a girl. I remind that all Muslims don't accept adult-child sex. The goal of some gay activists (not all) is legalizing sex between a man and a boy, and they act very actively to fulfill their lust and desire.
Homosexuality and Islam are spreading very powerfully all over the world. Extreme Muslim and gay thoughts include accepting the sex between an adult and a child. This means that unfortunately supporting of pedophilia will increase also in the western countries. Wrong tolerance leads societies to the chaos, in which wrong values lead society all the time more perverted direction. Unfortunately, the fact is that in the future many people shall support the pedophilia. Such as other sinful things have occurred, so at least many people become a victim of pedophilia manipulation, and they accept it. Fortunately, there are also people who ever accept pervert pedophilia's sin.
The healing process of a pedophile's victims is often very long. Pedophilia and incest cause deep wounds in the heart of a child, and he carries those wounds also when he has become an adult. The mental health of many victims of pedophilia and incest have very badly suffered and traumatized because of sexual abuse. Victims' own sexuality is also totally lost and in some cases badly perverted.
Sexual abuse of children and young people is a very serious crime, which offends, insult and breaks physical inviolability and their mind.
Biblical faith has healed many victims of pedophilia. I dare to claim that Biblical faith, believing on the Lord Jesus is the best way to get healed deep wounds of pedophilia.
Forgiveness of God in the heart of the people removes bitterness and heals the mind, emotions, and sexuality of a pedophilia's victims.
In some religious circles, the victim of sexual abuse might press to forgiveness. This is wrong way and against the teaching of the Bible. Forgiveness can't be sanction and not way to press the people, but forgiveness must come voluntarily from the heart.
In some religious circles, sexual abuse cases are dismissed very often in a way that when the abuser has apologized from a victim, so all is well. The Biblical forgiveness is genuine repentance, in which individual repents his sins and shall never repeat it. Asking for forgiveness without repentance and forsaken sin is not accepted forgiveness.
Every kind of press actions and demand aiming for that a child forgives his abuser is wrong. It is obvious and clear that little child very often can't understand the meaning of the forgiveness, and when he has grown up into adulthood, so he has ability and capacity to handle the thing and understand what is the real meaning of forgiveness.
Sexual abuse of children is a slave of sexual perversion, and it is very hard to him to get rid of this perversion. The only working solution in his position is Biblical faith, which guarantees that he shall get freedom from perverted sexuality and reaches normal and healthy sexuality.
In some religious circles have taught that confession is secret and by this way, they force the victim to forgive for an abuser. This kind of activity is wrong, sinful, irresponsible and reprehensible. Purpose of force is very often that religious group wants to hide sexual abuse cases. Hiding of sins in the sinful act, because sins must always expose and repentance is required from sinning. Teaching that confession is secret and can't expose to anyone is the evil method as the purpose to hide sexual abuse cases. Protecting of the sexual abusers is the action against the teaching of the Bible. Protecting of the sexual abusers is involvement in a crime.
All acts have the consequences; the thief is convicted of theft, even if someone forgives him. Furthermore, sexual abusers must judge and punish, even if someone forgives him. When a crime has occurred, so it must always handle according to criminal laws. On the case of sexual abuse, we can't dismiss it for forgiveness, because sexual abuse is a crime that must punish according to criminal law. Sexual abuse must understand that forgiveness do not remove consequences of his crime. For example, if someone kills another individual and relatives of killed individuals forgive for the killer, so despite the forgiveness killer must suffer in the jail consequence of his crime.
God forgives if the individual truly repents his sins and do not repeat it, but in wrong deeds is consequences in this world as the preceding example show us. We must also remember that if someone thinks that he can commit a crime and sin on the basis that God shall forgive when I ask forgiveness, so this kind of thinking does not work before God.
God forgives sins to him who repent his sins and don't want to repeat his sins. If you make sin on the basis that you think getting forgiveness only when you ask, so you have mistaken because forgiveness of sins is making repentance and forsaken sins. You cannot have forgiveness is you knowingly and purposely want to abuse the forgiveness of God.
We must take very seriously the victim of pedophilia and incest, and we can blame him or be careless pain and sufferings that he has gone through, because of sexual abuse. Victim of sexual abuse need supporters who support and help him to heal. In the congregation of Jesus' disciples, the Biblical support is very important. The victim can have help for healing by believing on the Lord Jesus.
If you are the victim of some religious group, so remember that genuine Jesus' disciple doesn't practice pedophilia, but someone religious and ungodly individual has sexually abused for you. Pedophilia is serious sin and crime before God. I understand if you are disappointed to God and believers, but you must understand that genuine Jesus' disciples don't practice evil and disgusting sin of pedophilia. The Lord Jesus wants to help and heal you. He loves and understands you and waits that you allow to let Jesus come to your heart to remedy and heal all that evil sin has broken.


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