8-3-17 Perspective

When I started this blog I made it clear that this was for my benefit to give myself an outlet to express my feelings and thoughts. If any of the material offends anyone, TOUGH, It's not for YOU it's for ME. If you choose to read then deal with it but not criticize me for speaking what I believe is the truth in my life. If you see things differently that's ok we can agree to disagree. I spent too much of my life living a lie and I refuse to do anymore. I can't change the past but I damn sure not going to lie about it anymore. It's not my purpose to speak ill of the dead but I'm not going to pretend that past family life was good or happy because it wasn't. how you choose to remember your childhood life is up to you but do try and be honest with yourself. I hope that my family does care about their heritage and will pass it along to their offspring. Just be honest and tell them the good and the bad so that later in life they won't discover that they have been lied too and wonder why and start blaming other people for something their parents should have taken care of.


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