8-10-17 It's All in a Day's Time

Well today hasn't been so bad . I made it to work without anyone killing me even though I kept
pulling out in front of people and giving them the finger when they gave me the go to hell look. I've been in my own little world and Deborah was in her own little world and our worlds were far far apart.Shirley is still bitching and worried about N. Korea. I told her not to worry. Come on Trump hit the button you know you want to so just do it. What's a few million dead people in the long run? Everything else is par for the course. Patrick is tearing the house apart but who cares? The other dogs are happy most of the family isn't talking to me but again who cares. The news is full of the usual scum bags and perverts abusing and killing our children but apparently no one cares. Me I'm living a dream I just haven't decided what kind of dream yet. I hope to center out soon. I'm tiring of feeling so damn up enough already. I've still got three weeks to go until I see my pill pusher doctor. I need some med changes. I wish I could talk him in to giving me some Valium please please pertly please. I came close to buying a beer today. I wanted one so bad but I knew one would end up being a whole case and my body can't take that anymore. When I die I don't want it to be a slow painful death like cirrhosis of the liver. Let's just keep it short and sweet and on point. So that's my day so far and I don't expect anything to change between now and midnight.


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