10-26-18 USCCB Gives $240,000 to Group Promoting Planned Parenthood, Prostitution, LGBTs

USCCB Gives $240,000 to Group Promoting Planned Parenthood, Prostitution, LGBTs

News: US News
by Michael Hichborn  •  ChurchMilitant.com  •  October 24, 2018   

Church-funded group vocal about support for abortion, LGBT, birth control, sex work

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Since 2010, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has made several large financial contributions to an organization in San Francisco that is actively promoting all manner of immorality. Through grants from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), which is an official project of the USCCB, the Coalition on Homelessness has received $240,000 in four grants: $40,000 for 20102011$50,000 for 2014–2015$75,000 for 2015–2016; and $75,000 for 2016–2017, the last available grants list on the USCCB website. 
According to the archdiocese of San Francisco website, the Coalition on Homelessness is slated to receive another CCHD grant for 2017–2018, though the amount has not yet been disclosed.
The problem is that the Coalition on Homelessness (COH) is very vocal about its support for Planned Parenthood, birth control, homosexuality, transgenderism, legalized prostitution and even legalized drug use.
COH has its own print publication called Street Sheet, which is a bi-monthly paper that reaches about 16,000 people through homeless or low-income distributors.
In other words, COH is an agenda-driven firm that is using the homeless to spread its ideologies. What follows are a few examples of the grossly immoral propaganda.
This May 2017 issue of Street Sheet carries an article with the headline "Where is the Reproductive Justice for Homeless Women?" (page 7). In the article, the author makes three statements promoting Planned Parenthood. She says:
Many women's rights to reproductive health and family planning services are being violated through recent actions by the Trump administration plans to stop funding to programs such as Planned Parenthood.
Low-income and homeless women need access to services from organizations such as Planned Parenthood, Women's Community Clinic, and Women's Health Justice.
In fact, Planned Parenthood participates annually in a fair put on by Project Homeless Connect, a San Francisco social service organization.
On June 1, 2018, Street Sheet published what it called the "Sex Work Issue." This issue is filled with unrepeatable and filthy "poetry," promotes transgenderism and most prominently calls for the decriminalization of prostitution. The issue contains headlines like "Criminalizing Sex Work Creates Violence" and a raunchy poem by a "transgender sex-worker." Page 5 of this issue contains an ad for the "March for Sex Worker Rights," which is aimed at combating anti-sex trafficking laws.
The last page of the sex worker issue contains a full-page social media ad, which says, "I Support Sex Workers and Homeless People" and contains the hash-tag "#SexWorkIsWork." This page instructs people to take a selfie, fix it to the white area of the page, take a picture of that and post it on Instagram, tagging the organization "@coalitiononhomelessness."

Read the rest at the Lepanto Institute.


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