6-25-18 What a God

What a God! :: By L. Perry Wilbur

A key line in one of my favorite films asks this question: Is any place safe today? It’s a good question.
Part of my life was spent in the United States Navy. I served in the navy of the late 1950s and also in the new navy (1995 – 2000) when God led me back as an instructor and Lieutenant Commander.
My naval experience was an incredible adventure, and I learned how one can grow closer to God at sea. Every time we sang the Navy Hymn, “for those in peril upon the sea” was an added inspiration.
I saw at least eighty percent of God’s planet. In my daily work as a navy instructor, I was very impressed by the interest and eagerness to learn of navy students. You don’t see a lot of this desire to learn in civilian colleges. This real student interest made teaching a real pleasure instead of a chore.
Many who go down to the sea in ships grow closer to God. You see more examples of His greatness at sea. During storms at sea, you think more about being safe. Wanting to be closer to God becomes a safe harbor in your mind and spirit.
Thinking about God as a safe harbor triggered the lines from a song I sang a lot over the years: “When I’m worried and I can’t sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep, and I fall asleep Counting My Blessings – which was the ideal title.
I don’t think any of us thank God enough for all of His amazing blessings, His free redemptive plan of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ, and for the safe harbor He is, day after day, for all who trust in Him.
Psalm 91, one of my favorites, can and will help you to reach that safe harbor whenever you wish to go there or need your strength to be renewed in order to face the rigors of today’s depressing world, which so many believe has become a dying planet.
Simply reading Psalm 91 will help and inspire you: “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and fortress, my God; in Him will I trust.”
In Him I do trust. I have always believed in the rapture, even though many do not; though they forget His promise: “I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there you may be also.” These were not idle words, but rather a sincere and truthful promise.
He is a God who loves us so much that He placed prophecies in His Holy Word that are playing out right before our very eyes in today’s world. Those who attack the Bible are evidently not aware of the prophecies that continue to come true. Today I read in the news that the state of California is reportedly going to ban the sale of Bibles.
Even well aware of the massive evil of these end times, The Lord Jesus still offers forgiveness and healing: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, seek my face, pray, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land.”
What a God and friend He is, and wants to be, to those who will believe in Him and walk in His ways!
Looking back on my own life, I can personally assure you that He is the best friend any mortal could possibly have in this life. The Lord Jesus is indeed the way, the truth, and the life. “Eye hath not seen the wondrous things God has prepared for those who love Him.”
I wonder if the rapture will happen at some middle-of-the-night hour. I believe it will come at any hour of the day or night. So, like so many others, I listen for the sound of a trumpet. Then, after the dead in Christ meet the Lord in the air, I will listen for His voice when it says “come up hither.” What a God, and what a great promise of eternal life with Him in heaven!
I would like to close with a song I wrote in dedication to God. I was trying to express His greatness in this song. Here are the words, and I now have the music in mind for these words, which I truly hope honor Him:
“Everywhere” By L. Perry Wilbur
When you need help, you’re not alone
The sound of the wind says He’s there
He can be closer than breath itself
And still yet EVERYWHERE.
Though you may travel round the world
Or spend all your life here at home
Wherever you are, you’ll know He’s there
Because He’s EVERYWHERE.
Call Him whenever you need Him
Your voice will be heard, be assured
In sickness or pain
By your side He’ll remain
And if it’s His will, you’ll be cured.

Though you may travel round the world
Or spend all your life here at home
Wherever you are, you’ll know He’s there
Because He’s EVERYWHERE.
All honor, dominion, praise, and majesty to His name. Praise Him every day. What a God He is! I hope to have a line on my gravestone that reads like this: I TRUST IN GOD. IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT, GO FLY A KITE.


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