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9-28-18 Cardinals Wouldn't Have Chosen Bergoglio ' If They Had Known

Cardinals Wouldn’t Have Chosen Bergoglio ‘If they’d known What Sort of Man He Was’

News: Commentary
by Rodney Pelletier  •  •  September 27, 2018   

Michael Voris talks to Henry Sire

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On the latest episode of Mic'd Up, Michael Voris interviews Henry Sire, the author of the thoroughly researched book The Dictator Pope.
When asked about the impact of the explosive testimony of Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò, Sire answers that Pope Francis is a "completely extraordinary man for the cardinals to have chosen," adding, "If they'd known what sort of man he was, they wouldn't have voted for him."
He continues, "The thing is, we've had this extraordinary situation covered up by the media who've promoted him as this great reformer – which he isn't at all. And really, the extraordinary thing is that nobody should have spoken out about this before."
Pope Francis himself notes how different his papacy is from previous popes, saying in 2016, "It is not to be excluded that I will enter history as the one who split the Catholic Church."
And now, in light of this summer's sex abuse revelations, it's become obvious the cover-up goes all the way to the top, to Pope Francis himself.
To see more about the discussion with Henry Sire, watch this week's episode of Mic'd Up—The Dictator Pope.


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