12-30-19 Today in the Word

Who is this Jesus?
Monday, December 30, 2019 | Acts 10:34–43

Theologian Jonathan Edwards said in “The Excellency of Christ”: “[Jesus Christ] is the Judge of the world, and the infinitely just Judge of it, and will not at all acquit the wicked, or by any means clear the guilty. . . . Yet how wonderfully is infinite mercy towards sinners displayed in him! Though he be the just Judge of a sinful world, yet he is also the Savior of the world.”
When He returns, Christ will judge the world. As Peter spoke in the house of Cornelius, he summarized Jesus’ life and ministry: “the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all” (v. 36). Peter began with the ministry of John the Baptist (v. 37), continued on to Jesus’ miracles and other good works (v. 38), then the Crucifixion and Resurrection (vv. 39–41), and finally the mission of the apostles and the church to preach this good news “and to testify that [Jesus] is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead” (v. 42). The bottom line: “Everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name” (v. 43).
When we stand before the Judge, the basis of His judgment will be faith in Him. There will be no favoritism or injustice in any form (v. 34). There will certainly be no ethnic or cultural prejudice (v. 35), a lesson Peter learned from the “sheet vision” (vv. 9–23). Everyone who trusts in Christ will go to heaven, and everyone who doesn’t will go to hell. Thankfully, Cornelius’s household responded in faith (vv. 44–48). As we draw near to the close of this study and this year, it is a good time to consider whether or not you have placed your faith in Jesus.
Did you know favoritism is injustice? Favoritism is a sin we often seem willing to tolerate. We need to see it through God’s eyes. James commanded against this sin vehemently, including an example of discrimination against the poor (2:1–13). Showing favoritism is disobedience to the “royal command” to love our neighbor (vv. 8–9)!
As we look back on the past year, we hope that God used Today in the Word to minister to you. Thank God for the way He has worked in your life in 2019. We look forward to exploring together our Bible study topics in the new year.


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