12-26-19 Snowflake Christians, Attention, Reality Bites

Snowflake Christians, Attention! Reality Bites! :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard

Excuse me. I say this with love, but necessary firmness. Most of you are easily offended, weak-kneed, overly protected, participation-trophy receiving, pampered, self-centered, worldly minded, narcissistic, phone in your face, spiritually immature, emotion-centered, frankly useless individuals who call themselves a believer in Jesus Christ. I don’t understand you.
You somehow get bent out of shape when a pastor dares stop his service and (gasp) prays for a man who is being pursued by the hounds of hell and demon-possessed individuals who want to see him out of office and at the worst, dead and forgotten, yet humbly stops by without fanfare and bows his head in humbleness, asking for God’s guidance, then leaves as quietly as he came. What gives?
Franklin Graham asked that all Bible-believing Christians would gather together on June 2nd and pray for President Trump. Personally, I never have seen a man who is more hated for no good reason except that he turned the New World Order on its head and prevented the female version of the Antichrist to assume power as the President of the United States.
This action was not his doing alone. Numbers of believers gathered in prayer three years ago for the welfare of this nation which, in all honesty, was headed for the trash heap of history if there was no intervention by Almighty God to do something. Thankfully, He did answer and gave us a man who, while having all the graces of a bull in a china shop, was someone who was at least honest and encouraged Christians and people in general to pray for him.
Mr. Trump has:
  • had ministers in the White House lifting him up in prayer daily and has godly people in his cabinet,
  • has nominated and gotten approved more conservative judges and justices to the bench than any other conservative-leaning leader,
  • has ordered his Department of Health and Human Services to declare that life begins at conception and has, so far, been a champion for the unborn and has lashed out at states who feel that it is their duty to murder the unborn and those babies who have the audacity to survive a medical butcher’s handiwork,
  • has been a supporter of the rights of religious people to practice their faith in public,
  • and has encouraged schools in the U.S. to adopt Bible-centered curricula and teach its principles to students who have as much morality in their souls as does a cornered rattlesnake.
Right now at least, Christians in this country have somewhat of a reprieve. It is when we don’t pray for our leaders and their decisions that lead to persecution and the probability that you’ll have to put your faith to the test, deciding between loyalty to Jesus Christ at the end of a gun, or denial and compromise and earn yourself a reward of eternal punishment. After Donald Trump leaves office, what then?
It’s not a matter of if we’ll be persecuted, but when. We may, in God’s mercy, be translated out of here, but he may put us through the fire and spiritually toughen us up and weed out the wheat from the chaff. Remember this, that the world hates us whether we compromise with them in the name of tolerance or not. The world system is controlled by the devil, who has been trying to kill us or at least make us ineffective for over 2,000 years.
If he can’t physically destroy us, he can use people and events to ruin what testimony we have and make us useless as a means of preaching the gospel and being models of truth and standards in a world of relativism and uncertainty. We have far too many people that are comfortable in the pew and take turns criticizing the pastor or programs that assist in proclaiming the gospel, while allowing a minority of members to finance the programs and pray for the harvest.
As a former pastor, I’ve come to the realization that some sheep have fangs and are really wolves who will not spare the flock, but seek to tear it apart and render it ineffective.
Now, let me get back to the main point of my article. It seems that on June 2nd at McClean Bible Church in Virginia, Pastor David Platt had a guest stop by and request prayer. It was the President. He came in unannounced and without fanfare and bowed his head on stage as Pastor Platt, while surprised to see Mr. Trump, did an excellent job in praying not only for him, but for the welfare of the country as a whole. Afterwards, the President, saying nothing, quietly left and allowed the service to continue.
This church took Romans 13:1-6 and 1 Timothy 2:1-3 to heart and did what was presented in the word of God.
Now here is where it gets interesting.
It seems that some of the membership took offense that Mr. Trump actually had the nerve to set foot inside their church and allow Pastor Platt to pray for him, then quietly leave. Seriously? You mean to tell me that you worship your political philosophy more than interceding for the welfare of the leader of the free world?
There probably would have been no complaints had Mr. Obama come in and bowed his head.
The hard truth is that, ladies and gentlemen of the snowflake mentality, we have an adult in charge of the welfare of the nation now, crudeness and all. He is doing his best to put the political inmates back inside the asylum instead of letting them run rampant like we saw with the last administration, which, in case you’ve forgotten:
  • spied on us and used the IRS to harass conservative institutions, and even had the nerve to audit Billy Graham and his organization,
  • and had an office where you could call in and report your neighbor because he disagreed with Mr. Obama’s policies.
  • Let’s not forget that there was a Christmas ornament on the White House tree that had a picture of Chairman Mao of China, who, for those of you who took revisionist history, murdered more than 60 million of his citizens plus caused chaos in the Cultural Revolution from 1966 until his death ten years later.
  • It was the last administration that championed socialism and its ilk.
The current generation that wasn’t taught real history does not know about the hundreds of people who risked their lives escaping from the “worker’s paradise” of vacation spots like East Berlin and that wall which kept people divided for nearly thirty years and led to numerous deaths by machine-gun fire and vicious guard dogs that tore flesh from bodies.
Yeah, Bulgaria and those other nations behind what Winston Churchill called “the Iron Curtain” were hot spots of independent thought and freedom, weren’t they? Those of you born before 1990 can remember quite plainly what the world was like, and how we could have been killed by a nervous trigger finger on the nuclear button.
Idealists like Bernie “Bolshevik” Sanders and the 29-year-old bartender (who got freaked out with a garbage disposal) named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez preach the benefits of “free stuff” without the consequences. These folks who believe in this secular utopia forget that the government that promises stuff can also take it away. What Sanders and Cortez won’t tell you is that their way of thinking resulted in the death of more than 100 million people in the last century through war, compliance, forced labor, show trials, executions, persecutions, and overall misery that will not leave once it is established as a government.
Just look at Venezuela as a socialist success story. There is nothing but misery, oppression, and death, along with corruption and callousness towards life in general. They were a prosperous nation until someone got it in their head to listen to a military officer named Hugo Chavez who promised them greater equality if they would elect him. What the country got were orders to surrender their firearms, give their possessions to the government on pain of imprisonment or death, and submit to what has become totalitarianism that will never go away short of an intervention by another nation.
This is one reason why we should never trust politicians who promise things but hope you won’t notice that they’re picking your pocket to pay for it.
Thank you, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, for basically causing misery and bloodshed and the rise of godlessness disguised as an economic system that looks good as a philosophy but results in absolute chaos when put into practice, establishing a tyranny that will eventually collapse, but leaves behind a trail of carnage that some idealistic historians wish to overlook and allow the bodies of its victims to rot in the streets. If the government does such a good job of running things, then why are we in debt to the tune of 21 trillion dollars and nothing seems to work? We’ve made a god out of human incompetence and trusted it to operate without a moral compass.
As someone who got his start in the real world of honest work, I was a history and English teacher during the time of the meetings between Ronald Reagan and Michael Gorbachev. It seems that every intellectual was gushing over Mr. Gorbachev’s philosophy of “perestroika” that eased some of the oppressive regulations of Soviet life and allowed some freedom of expression that wouldn’t throw someone into a gulag for disagreeing with the wishes of the Politburo.
He was willing to reduce the number of missiles aimed at Western Europe if Mr. Reagan would do one little thing, and was to drop the idea of a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), mockingly called “Star Wars” by our leftist press (things really haven’t changed in thirty years). SDI was an idea of a counter-offensive defense system that would intercede and destroy the launch and direction of a warhead against the U.S. Reagan sold the idea so well that the Soviets were afraid of it, even though it only existed on paper. It would soon be revealed that the Soviet bear had teeth, but they were rotten and in need of pulling.
For those of you who are still enamored with socialism (yes, even some of you young Christians who believe in social justice), note this. Shortly after Ronald Reagan (who spoke against socialism) left the Presidency, the whole socialist system came crashing down in a matter of months and the blight called the Berlin Wall was torn down, uniting Germany and the establishment of free Eastern European countries that still prosper today. So much for the “worker’s paradise.”
If you ever meet a Russian or person from Eastern Europe, ask them about the “good old days” of oppression and the fear of a knock on the door by the Secret Police, and then talk about the advantages of socialism; and they will tell you plainly that you are out of your freaking mind to even consider it.
I have read reports recently that tell of polls and studies saying that people are getting dumber every year, which is why I believe that a lot of idealistic young people and some adults are buying into the social justice movement and attempting to bring it into the life of the church. To me, it is nothing more than the old Bolshevik promise of “peace, land, and bread,” with a little Jesus thrown in to make it look holy.
In my Russian history class in college, we read of these promises Lenin gave to the Russian people after the Czar was overthrown in 1917. What they got were years of bloody civil war, no right to private property, and no bread in the stores. They traded freedom for government “social justice” and got nothing in return except some seventy-four years of death, tyranny, and misery.
The snowflake mentality I see in society today is fodder for the socialists who promise to take care of them and give them things without the honor and satisfaction of working for it and realizing that they can do better than they think they can, and that mediocrity is unacceptable. They seem to wallow in self-esteem without bothering to care for others or the good of the nation and a free society. It’s pretty frightening, but I’m really not surprised.
This poison is creeping into churches today that have put aside the claims of the exclusiveness of the gospel for programs that build up the individual without challenging them to grow in their faith and get them to take their eyes off themselves and their self-imposed worldview, focusing instead on the fact that our brethren across the world are being slaughtered for their faith.
I ask Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, and the other prosperity preachers a favor. Will you fly your $54,000,000 jet to Nigeria and pick up the victims of Boko Haram, or those believers made homeless by the butchers of ISIS?
Snowflake Christians, I have a favor to ask. Will you quit thinking about what seemingly offends you, grow up, get a pair, and put what faith in the LORD you say you have – to work and get people saved from hell, where there will be no one to care how you feel or whether or not you’re offended by the actions of your pastor – to be obedient to the LORD and abide by what the Scriptures teach?
Yes, I am getting on your backsides and calling on you to quit focusing on the world and your little inconveniences, and demonstrate that the faith you claim to have is not merely empty words.
I am in poor health personally and cannot go to places like I was able to do only a short time ago. For those of you who have been following me this and last year, I am getting weaker as the days progress, and I tire easily. I am starting to feel dull pains where my kidneys are, and I’m content in the reality that what I am doing each week – to write columns to challenge and inspire you to be the kind of Christian our LORD expects of you – is what I am called to do now.
My days of getting behind a pulpit and preaching are past. If I can do any one thing for the glory of God, it would be to say to you in love that you need to quit making your ideology the focus of your life and to be committed to the reality that this world can’t go on much longer.
Your prayers are appreciated for my condition which I gladly bear for the glory of God.
All the ideas and notions we have for improving life here on this sin-soaked world will, in the end and according to Scripture, burn up anyway. Eternity is what’s important.
To the snowflake believers who will get offended by what I have written thus far, I say in love: I really don’t care what you think of me or what I present. What I’m doing is to get you to face reality and realize that it does bite at times. We’re not promised ease in this life – and don’t think for a minute that it will get better. I don’t have to answer to you, Bernie Sanders, Miss Cortez, the politicians, the prosperity preachers, or your attitudes on Judgment Day. Jesus Christ is LORD, not your ideology or feelings.
If you’re not saved, then I implore you to get right with God and repent. I just want to warn you who feel like you’ve been offended. I say again that there are no “safe spaces” in hell, and the cries of the damned will drown out whatever feelings or opinions you have.
Here ends the lesson. Now, make something of yourself and grow up. I know the LORD will appreciate it.


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