3-29-19 BE NOT DECEIVED- The Word as Given to Byron Searle

I Am Coming, Get Ready!

Posted: 28 Mar 2019 03:29 AM PDT
Matthew 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

My son, as many in the world prepare for war, this nation does not! America is caught up in foolishness and has taken her eyes off of Me. Even though I allow judgments to cover the land, this nation does not go into prayer. While the Church is sleeping, evil people have passed laws against it, and no one is watching! 

My son, just because it's Jewish, does not make it right! BEWARE AGAIN of the Noahide Laws!! They are not of Me and will be used to try to destroy My church and My people! These evil men who call themselves rabbis have devised a plan to bring ALL humanity under their laws. Those who oppose them will be put to death. These prideful, selfish men call themselves rabbis, which means learned teacher, but they teach lies and condemn those who will follow them to hell.

My son, not all Jewish are evil, only the Zionist Kabbalist Jews who are called Pharisees and Sanhedrin. I love My people, and My heart is for their salvation, but these evil men, the same ones who gave orders to crucify Me, are the ones in power all over the world! 

So you see, My people, these evil men in high places have devised an evil plan to bring about the end of days. The Messiah they look for will be the Son of Perdition, who will enforce the Noahide Laws and behead untold millions of My people! TO BELIEVE IN ME WILL BREAK THE FIRST NOAHIDE LAW, AND THE PENALTY FOR REFUSING TO REJECT ME IS DEATH!! 

This is the same law the Son of Perdition will use when he calls himself god and makes all people worship him! That is when I will open the blind eyes of My people, and they will realize they have been FOOLED by Satan, and their laws will be used against them! 

My son, tell My Remnant to BEWARE and to WAKE UP MY SLEEPING CHURCH TO THE DANGER!Many in My Body will be FOOLED because they think they are helping the Jews, but will only enforce the laws that will send them to death camps!!  I love My Children, but the Great Deceiver is doing his best to take as many as he can!!

I AM coming soon, but stay in My Word as not to be deceived!! I said that many times - BE NOT DECEIVED!!!

Messiah Jesus


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