3-28-19 The Fallout from the 2018 Election

Nearing Midnight: The Fallout from the 2018 Election - Todd Strandberg - https://www.raptureready.com/category/nearing-midnight/
There were no real big surprises in last week's midterm election. As generally predicted, the Democrats won control of the House, and Republicans kept control of the Senate. There were four key battles that Republicans won despite massive support from the liberal media.
Republican Iowa Rep. Steve King, who is accused of having strident anti-immigrant rhetoric, secured a ninth term in Congress, beating Democratic opponent J.D. Scholten.
Texas Senate incumbent Ted Cruz defeated opponent Beto O'Rourke, which was one of the most talked about races this midterm election. Beto raised more than $38 million in the third quarter, three times the amount Cruz raised in that same period, and about $100 million overall. Much of that money came from Hollywood donors who hoped to turn Beto into the next JFK-type superstar.
Andrew Gillum, whose campaign drew the attention of the likes of Barack Obama who campaigned with him in the final days, was looking to be the first black governor in the history of Florida. Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee, was surrounded by a cloud of corruption scandals. Leftist Polls released a day before the election showed him with a seven point lead, but in reality he lost by 2 points.
The press did its best to avert the backlash against those who voted against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Yet Democratic Senators Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Indiana's Joe Donnelly, Claire McCaskill of Missouri and Florida's Bill Nelson all suffered defeat. "Every Dem Senator in a competitive race who voted against Kavanaugh lost," tweeted Tom Bevan, Co-founder of RealClearPolitics.
The Democrats had their best showing at the polls by pushing the diversity agenda. If you are part of some sub-group, there is a place for you in their party. Here are some headlines that show how the left is moving us away from traditional Christian values:
  • First Openly Gay Person Elected Governor: Colorado
  • Native American Lesbian Wins House Seat
  • Rashida Tlaib, First Muslim Congresswoman
  • Florida to Restore Ex-felon Voting Rights
  • 3 States Legalize Marijuana for Recreational or Medical Use
The loss of the House will mean that the speaker of the House is likely to be Nancy Pelosi. The 78-year-old Democrat from San Francisco, California, who was House Speaker from 2007 to 2011.
Throughout the 2018 midterms, Republicans tried to connect Democratic candidates to Pelosi - they've run more than 250 anti-Pelosi TV ads in some 75 House districts during the last months of the campaign. Some candidates saw the need to repudiate Pelosi, but most didn't even respond to the ads.
It is just amazing that she has been to more gay parades than I've had birthdays, and people in Red states don't care that they are voting for someone who will have Pelosi as their leader. Few people care about moral issues these days. So, as long as they have job growth and strong health care, they don't mind if America turns into Sodom and Gomorrah.
Another fallout from the Democrats having won control of the House of Representatives: the Trump administration can expect to be hit by a wave of investigations and subpoena requests from Capitol Hill. There are dozens of House committees and subcommittees, and each no doubt has its own to-do list. Three of the worst people in politics will likely head powerful offices:
  • The Oversight Committee may come under the chairmanship of Elijah Cummings.
  • The House Intelligence Committee could be led by Adam Schiff.
  • The House Financial Services Committee could be headed by Maxine Waters.
The person I dread most gaining power is Maxine Waters. Nancy Pelosi has something wrong with her brain, so she can do little damage under her own power. Waters has a tenacity that comes from the pit of hell. She has called for the impeachment of Trump from the day he stepped into office. Waters is dumb and old, but she is pure evil.
"Last August, Waters moved unsuccessfully to subpoena Deutsche Bank AG for records concerning 'internal reviews of the personal accounts of the President and his family,' as well as more information about fees levied against the bank concerning lax money-laundering detection policies that could have allowed Russian operatives to funnel cash without a paper trail," Fox News reported.
Overall, I think the 2018 election perfectly fits the Bible's description of the last days. Because we are so near to the tribulation hour, everything is naturally doomed to relentlessly get "worse and worse" as deception permeates society. We Christians have hope that Jesus will soon rescue us from this mess.
"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived" (2 Timothy 3:13).


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