6-30-20 The Devil's Backbone and Faith By

The Devil’s Backbone and Faith by:: Clay Smith

This is a unique title for an article, but is really fitting these days, even now more so as we struggle to fight the good fight of faith. We as Christians have the “Blessed Hope,” but have to fight the devil and his darkness from the day the war began. When we surrendered our lives to Christ, the Saviour, the devil really started attacking us, especially our Faith; and it continues today.
The souls that don’t know Jesus as Lord serve the devil and know it but don’t care, or don’t have a clue. There is a real Satan to contend with, and a real God named YAHWEH, who is Lord of all. Jesus is our King. The devil offers eternal death with him in the Lake of Fire, but our God offers eternal life with Yeshua in Heaven. I know who I serve; what about you?
In saying that, this article really is about encouragement. Let me explain the title first. I was coming home driving up the hill, and on the left was a beer truck at the local gas station. The description on the truck graphics displaying the name of the beer company was titled “The Devils Backbone.” During this time, I was listening to K-Love Christian music station, and the song playing was “Faith, by Jordan Feliz.” It seems the song came out last year, but appears to really be popular now, I’m guessing. Another radio station was playing it also; it’s a great Christian song.
I, at that moment, pumped my fist in the air with joy and thanked the Lord, because I knew instantly what my next article was going to be. In the darkness that surrounds us, we have the joy of “Faith” that God has instilled in every one of us.
What is your hope, your joy, your faith? Whom or what do you trust and hope in?
I am writing this, coincidently, at this time of the season where so many people lose this peace, joy, hope and Faith. Life is tough for all of us, believers as well as non-believers of the Gospel. I implore you wherever you are to look to Jehovah, the One True Living God, that will bring alive these instilled treasures. Jesus is the one true light. The enemy, the devil, brings darkness and despair. By the way, he has no “backbone.” He is defeated by what Jesus did at the Cross on Calvary for all. Satan thought he had won when Jesus died and went to the tomb; but three days later, Jesus Rose from The Dead. Alive forever more, Jesus conquered sin, death, hell and the grave, thus taking the “backbone out of the devil.”
Right now, Jesus is at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. Satan still has limited power in this world by what God has allowed him to, but “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).
We, as believers of Christ, have power over the enemy Satan just by Jesus’ name in itself. Satan comes to destroy and kill literally; Jesus came to bring life and hope eternal that can never be taken away. If you don’t have Christ in your life, I encourage you in all love to believe in Him, and see your “worldly faith turn to Genuine Godly Faith.” Look up that song on YouTube by Jordan Feliz and listen to it. It’s so beautiful and encouraging. I pray it can be an encouragement to you. Don’t be deceived by the enemy’s tricks; don’t believe his lies either. If you are in another “religious faith or doctrine” besides true biblical Christianity, get out. It’s not too late. Call on the name of the Lord. Yeshua in Hebrew.
The devil only has a short time left. Soon, the Lord is coming back to get His Saints, the Church. That’s us, the believers, in the clouds, to forever be with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:17-18). You can look articles up here that have been written about this biblical event which can happen literally any second. You don’t want to go through the Tribulation that’s coming on the whole earth. At the end of the seven- year Tribulation, the devil will be chained up in the bottomless pit for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1-3) while Jesus reigns from Jerusalem, Israel, during the Millennium. This is after coming back as prophesied in the Scriptures, known as “The second Coming of Christ.”
During this season of Thanksgiving and Christmas, the world now seems to be imploding with all the evils and distress among the nations. Don’t give up on Faith and Hope. We as believers also are going through a lot, and we all have our stories we can share, but our prayers are going up to our Heavenly Father. We anxiously await Jesus’ return to come snatch us out of this present darkness of “Noah’s day” as Jesus predicted Himself in Matthew Chapter 24. We are crying out MARANATHA! We are not only in the “End Times,” but at the end of the end times. What we are seeing unfold before our eyes is unbelievable! But the Scriptures told us what it would be like, and we are now here.
Brothers and Sisters, the “Fig Tree has budded.” Hang on a little bit longer. I encourage you and love all of you. Keep the Faith!
For you who do not know Christ as Lord, come to Him and believe in what Jesus did for you and all mankind. You don’t need that beer, drugs, or anything the world (Satan/devil) has to offer. That only leads to possible physical death which the devil wants, along with lies, deceit, and promises that lead only to eternal death. He is trying to take everyone he can with him. Resist the devil, and he will flee.
James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
Come to Christ now. When you do, you can scripturally claim Jesus as Lord. You will believe and trust in His Holy Word. Here is some Scripture you can immediately claim and believe in with that “New Faith” you now have.
Ephesians 6:10-11 “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”
Keep reading all the way down to verse 18. If that is not a big boost of encouragement to you and the others, I don’t know what is. The devil does not have a backbone anymore. Calling on the name of Jesus literally makes him and the demons flee. Be strong in the faith.
God bless you all.
All Scripture is from the King James Version


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