10-9-19 The Days Ahead Part #3 After the Seven Seals Have Been Broken

The following are actual events that are going to occur in the very near future.

It's been almost 3 1/2 years now since the Seven Seals of Revelation were broken. A lot has happened since then. Let's take a look back before we move on to the remaining judgments still to come to the inhabitants still remaining on the earth. Earth is a cold dark, empty place now. All of the people both dead and alive and babies and young children who knew and were living within the spirit Jesus Christ are gone. There were a deafening trumpet sound and a bright flash of light, brighter than the sun, in the sky and afterward the people were just gone, missing, no trace left except what they were wearing. The Central Government claims it was a solar flare that killed them all. America, for the most part, is gone. Between the nuclear attack from Russia and China, the earthquakes, and the asteroid strikes in both oceans the country now lies in ruin. They say 80% of its population was killed by either the solar flare or all the other catastrophes. Individual countries don't exist anymore, we are all one nation, and we have a world leader. He says that he is god and the world headquarters is in Jerusalem, Israel. Russia and a group of Middle Eastern Countries attacked Israel and tried to destroy her but somehow they were beaten and their armies destroyed. Jobs are scarce and everyone is hungry as there is always a shortage of food and water. Most of the electrical grid is out we might manage an hour or two of power daily. Medical care is almost non-existent and there are still dead bodies lying out in the open everywhere. We all have a chip in our right hand that identifies who we are and lets us do things like buying and selling goods when we can find them. We had to swear allegiance to our new world leader and worship him before we could receive him. The people in his inner circle have theirs in their foreheads. Someone killed our leader but on tv, in front of the whole world, he arose from the dead and came back to life. People don't talk much anymore and you never see anyone smile. But you can have sex with anyone or anything anytime you like. Drugs and alcohol are free and there are no laws except for the ones our leader decrees. If you break them you are put to death no trial needed, you are just taken out and executed. You don't see many animals or birds anymore I guess they've all been killed.

Yes, Hell has literally come to earth.  But Judgement has just begun. There is a period of time, a half-hour in God's time in heaven before the Trumpet Judgements begin. There won't be any mercy given to the earth.


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