10-26-19 Signs of the Times

Daily Jot: Sign of the times - Bill Wilson - www.dailyjot.com
I was perusing the headlines this morning and it just came to me that there is nothing worthy of even covering or writing about. We have seen it all before, all too often, the lies, the twists, the turns, the visceral. It's the democratic American way to conduct a coup. The media is singled out by Special Counsel Robert Mueller for being misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the obstruction portion of the Mueller Report. Yet the media twists the story to point the finger at the Justice Department for its timing on the release of the report. No one holds the media accountable. No one holds the coup makers accountable. The news goes on. The lies are perpetrated. The masses, like sheep, go along with it.
The media would define a coup as a use of force to wrestle power away from a leader of a country. In America's case, there has been no use of military force. The force applied is that of the propaganda of the media and the political visceral of the Democratic Party. Aiding and abetting the coup is the deep state, consisting of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the CIA. Yes, any bystander could see by what little has been reported that insiders in the Federal government who did not want Donald Trump to become president were working overtime to manipulate and release information detrimental to Trump's incoming presidency.
The shenanigans by the Democratic National Committee, the immediate past president and the entirety of the Hillary Clinton campaign leadership have been exposed by Judicial Watch, a government watchdog organization, through Freedom of Information requests and ongoing legal battles. These truths are rarely covered by the mainstream media. So we have reports in the news every day about continued investigations into Trump, but only a rare one about the investigations into the real coup-makers. Meanwhile, the nation is being invaded by an anarchist and unlawful force on its southern border with Mexico-an invasion that the Democratic Party is supporting by its very own obstruction of any security measure against it.
These things should be obvious to anyone who is observing the situation. This column is not pro-Republican and anti-Democrat. The Daily Jot is aimed at telling the truth from a Biblical worldview. The goal is to inform you so that you can use the information to influence others for Christ, something that is becoming increasingly difficult because anyone associated with the truth is hammered for being a bigot, racist, Islamophobe, homophobe, misogynist, or some other "ist" or "phobe." 2 Timothy 3:13 says that the last days shall see perilous times where, "evil men and seducers shall grow worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." America is not the center of prophecy, but will experience many of its ramifications. These are signs of the times.


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