7-29-18 Green New Deal

‘Green New Deal’ Straight From United Nations :: By Geri Ungurean

I’m sure that many of you have watched Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) as the press has interviewed her. It is actually painful to watch and listen. She is, as they say, not the sharpest knife in the drawer. She struggles to make a complete thought in a sentence.
So I ask you – Did Cortez co-write the GREEN NEW DEAL?  That’s rhetorical.
The Green New Deal originated at the United Nations during the reign of Obama in the U.S. Obama got the ball rolling on this U.N. initiative. He even lost Billions of dollars from our “Stimulus Package.” Do you remember that? Well, keep reading because you will see clearly where that money went.
Brethren, Cortez is a U.N. Globalist puppet. But those who are pulling her strings should have done their homework. They would have seen that this woman does not know how to articulate her thoughts… actually the thoughts of her handlers.
From the U.N. 
A Global GREEN NEW DEAL for Sustainable Development  (Emphasis added)
Financial support for stimulus packages in Developing Countries
In his letter to the leaders of the G-20, the Secretary-General of the United Nations has proposed to mobilize $1 trillion of financial support for developing countries to help them engage in an adequate response to the economic crisis. During 2009 and 2010, $500 billion should be provided in the form of enhanced international liquidity for compensatory financing to allow developing countries to refinance their sovereign debts as well as existing bank and corporate debts of their private sectors and accordingly unlock their domestic credit markets and regain access to trade credits and international capital markets. Another $500 billion would be needed in the form of enhanced long-term official development financing and development assistance to cover fiscal revenue gaps and provide developing countries the required space to protect social spending and finance fiscal stimulus packages.
So, did you catch that, brethren?  The U.N. wrote a letter to the G-20 Summit, stressing that the U.N. needed $1 trillion of financial support to help the under-developed countries “go green” along with the richer “developed” countries.  It is crystal clear that the Billions of Dollars which were “lost” by the Obama Administration (part of our “Stimulus Package”) was sent to the U.N. in support of their GREEN NEW DEAL. 
Currently, most developing countries lack the capacity to undertake public works programs through deficit spending as are being envisaged by the developed countries as well as a few emerging economies that have such capacity. Therefore, substantial increases in compensatory financing, official development lending and assistance are needed for developing countries to increase their fiscal space, enhance their scope for countercyclical responses and avoid having to cut into necessary public expenditures.
Even though the resources are needed to overcome immediate balance-of-payments problems and to provide stimulus for economic recovery, they can be simultaneously used to address long-term development challenges. This would include continued investing in education, health, and job creation to meet the millennium development goals (MDGs). In the short-run, resources would also need to be allocated to strengthen social protection systems. This will be critical to prevent millions of people in developing countries who are directly affected by rising unemployment, volatile agricultural prices and declining export demand, and other consequences of the crisis from falling deeper into poverty and thus prevent major setbacks in the progress made towards the MDGs.
What a deal!  The under-developed countries get a big wad of cash, but there ARE strings attached. Part of the money MUST go to “Green” initiatives for the country to be onboard with the U.N. goals. Sounds a bit mafioso, no?
The crisis and the required fiscal response should also provide an opportunity to make long-term investments in agricultural development to address the problem of food insecurity and in the “greening” of the economies of developed and developing countries in order to combat climate change.
Oh, there are those words – “Greening” and of course “Climate Change!”
See UN-DESA Policy Brief No. 13 for further detail of the $1 trillion-dollar plan.
So, let’s go there…
The UN-DESA Policy Brief No. 13 
The Trillion Dollar Plan    
Back to the U.N.’s GREEN NEW DEAL 
Making national stimulus packages ‘green’ and equitable
The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has demanded that one-quarter of the three trillion dollars envisaged to be allocated to national stimulus packages by major economies be channeled into environmentally beneficial investments. Those include sustainable transport, energy efficiency, renewable energy, afforestation and reforestation, sustainable agriculture, and biodiversity protection.
*** U.N. is moving the money around – not good. And they are “demanding” – sounds like strong-arming to me.
This is a timely suggestion. As mentioned, one of the goals of the New Deal was to restore ecological health in the Midwest of the United States, thus addressing social security as well as food security and conservation objectives. Given the multiple environmental challenges faced by the world today, it would be most desirable to attract investment into areas that can help put the global economy on a more sustainable pathway.
Sneaky sneaky. Wasn’t it Obama who hurt the midwest farmers during his reign?  Read this article on the plight of the farmers under Obama from the Daily Signal.  NOTHING is coincidental!
However, the UNEP proposal needs to be enhanced through attention to two additional dimensions.
First, as argued above, it is critical that developing countries can, as developed countries have done, develop fiscal stimulus packages to prevent their economies from contracting. These stimulus packages can also provide the opportunity to lay the foundation for a new period of sustainable growth. Given the unmet needs for basic infrastructure, additional investment in such sectors is very likely to have a significant positive effect on growth.
Second, it also needs to be ensured that such investment is targeted especially at poor and vulnerable groups and regions within these countries. In other words, the investment should lead to the revival of growth that is both ecologically and socially sustainable.
For example, the demand for transport is growing dramatically in developing countries. Much of this is in the form of automobiles, which are environmentally harmful, contributive towards urban congestion, and beyond the means of a majority of people in developing countries. A shift to clean public transport is desirable from economic, environmental, and social viewpoints.
NOW we seeing Cortez’ Green New Deal more clearly.  Get rid of cars, trucks, airplanes – any mode of transportation which is not in compliance with the “Sustainable Goals” of the U.N. Oh, but never mind that our stores will not be stocked with food because the carriers of this food will be GONE. This is beyond belief. This will begin a domino effect on the economy, and communities will begin to starve.
But you can believe that the “elite” will be able to continue flying in their private planes, and they will NEVER be hungry! Do you see it now? This is diabolical!
Support for agricultural productivity and the creation of markets could be an important feature of national stimulus packages in developing countries, many of which are still highly dependent on agriculture such that shocks on agricultural markets can quickly put high proportions of the population into poverty. Re-invigorating extensions services will be a key component. Special attention would be needed for investments that promote a shift towards ecologically sustainable agriculture. Measures to shield small farmers from price volatility on global markets can also act as important safety nets.
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs March 2009
Examples of socially useful public works activities in developing countries include:
  • Projects could address water storage and drainage, contributing to agricultural productivity as well as climate adaptation, e.g. in many developing countries simple earthen storage dams could be constructed and existing drainage and canal networks rehabilitated. Digging of wells and basic flood barriers/levees are other options.
  • Access to basic sanitation remains a major challenge in developing countries. Improvements could make a major contribution to the achievement of MDG 4, reducing child mortality. Public works programs could target the construction of basic sanitation infrastructure, as well as the regeneration of wetland ecosystems that act as “filters” for watercourses.
A recent study of HSBC Global Research has ranked various governmental initiatives on the basis of their “greenness.” This ranking could be adapted to include the social dimension and used to guide national policy making in all countries towards greater environmental and social sustainability.
Policy Coordination, Collaborative Programs and Initiatives
The third component of the Global Green New Deal would be collaborative initiatives of governments of rich and poor countries simultaneously to create jobs in developed countries while generating strong developmental impacts in developing countries. Such initiatives could be pursued in part by using the resources mobilized by developed countries’ stimulus packages. But over the longer term, the reforms of the international financial and multilateral trading systems will need to support the investments required to manage the shift to low carbon economies in both rich and poor countries alike.
***Does the reader remember back in 2009 when billions of dollars (part of our Stimulus package) were unaccounted for? Obama’s administration never did find out what happened to that money. But now we know, don’t we? It went straight to the Green New Deal as part of Agenda 21 which became the Sustainable Development Goals of 2015.
Read the rest of the U.N.’s GREEN NEW DEAL here
We know that all of this has to happen to fulfill Bible Prophecy. I feel led to research and educate the readers. This information could be used when sharing the Gospel with a person. All of this is leading to a One-World Government (NWO), and a person who does not believe the Word of God just might change their mind once they see what is happening globally.
Shalom b’Yeshua
Articles at grandmageri422.me


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