12-29-18 Setting the Record Straight on Benghazi

Daily Jot: Setting the record straight on Benghazi
- Bill Wilson - www.dailyjot.com
On Friday, September 7, the immediate past president gave a speech at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he used misrepresentations and propaganda to try to rewrite the history of his presidency. One of those misrepresentations was his remarks on his actions regarding Benghazi, which resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including US Ambassador Christopher Stevens. The ex-president ran down a list blaming Republicans and the Republican congress for the ills of the country, among them, he said Republicans, "Embraced wild conspiracy theories, like those surrounding Benghazi, or my birth certificate." While many believe his birth certificate is still unsettled, Benghazi is not.
Remember Benghazi? The Daily Jot covered Benghazi extensively. As a reminder for you to use in conversations about the incident, here are excerpts from October 11, 2012's Daily Jot: "The occupant of the Oval Office and all his minions have been caught in the Great Benghazi Lie. It started with a carefully woven story that protesters stormed our Embassy in Libya, killed our Ambassador and three other Americans because they were upset over a film questioning the character of the "Prophet Mohammed." As the truth now comes out, there was no protest, the area outside the embassy was calm until it was attacked by terrorists... The Administration, including the president, the Secretary of State, the UN Ambassador and others have been lying to us.
"The New York Times has been documenting the statements made by Administration officials since the initial attack. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the day after the attack (9/12): "Some have thought to justify this vicious behavior along with the protests that took place at our embassy in Cairo yesterday as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet." White House Press Secretary Jay Carney eight days after the attack (9/19): "Based on the information that we had at the time and have to this day, we do not have evidence that it was premeditated." That very day the director of the National Counterterrorism Center said, "Yes, they were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our embassy." He suspected al Qaeda.
"14 days after the attack, the president still blamed the embassy killings on the anti-Mohammed video. He told the United Nations: "In every country, there are those who find different religious beliefs threatening; in every culture, those who love freedom for themselves must ask themselves how much they're willing to tolerate freedom for others. That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. Now, I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity." He was speaking specifically about the killings in Libya.
"While the president says that the US had nothing to do with the video, he and his administration is complicit in lying to the American public about not only how our Ambassador was killed, but why and by whom--even to the fabrication of minute details of protests getting out of hand. The entire news media wrote what this administration said as fact. Now all Americans are finding out the president's story was not remotely true. How much more is a lie? When will people be outraged by these dealings? 2 Timothy 3:13 says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." Even so, the news media is barely holding anyone accountable. Deception is widespread. Discernment is needed."
How soon the truth of events reported in the past is forgotten when the media refuses to correct the lies of the present.


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