7-26-18 Today in the Word

Today in the Word
July 2018
The Book of Isaiah: Seeing the Glory of God
Thursday, July 26, 2018 | Isaiah 52:1–12, Isaiah 52–53
The expressions “I’m just the mailman” and “Don’t shoot, I’m just the messenger!” try to ward off bad consequences for those who must deliver harsh or unwelcome news or instructions. The message bearer seeks to avoid receiving the ire that’s really directed toward the sender of the message. Being a bearer of good news often has the opposite effect on people. Many messengers have found themselves receiving joyful embraces and affection simply for being the go-between in a communication of reward or celebration.
“Beautiful” will be the identification of the one who announces the coming reign of the Lord to the people of God in Jerusalem (v. 7). Upon hearing the good news, people will burst into shouts and sing songs of joy! Great will be the celebration of God’s people when they hear the word that proclaims their deliverance from captivity.
The apostle Paul draws from Isaiah’s prophecy to speak of the glory of those who preach the good news of Jesus Christ—the gospel (see Rom. 10:15). The preaching of the death and resurrection of Christ, and belief in Him alone, is the only message one can hear to receive salvation.
Those who obey the call of God to proclaim the gospel are beautiful in the eyes of people who need mercy. God delights to use us to share the good news of His love with others. We should all look for opportunities to be the “beautiful feet” that bring good news, share peace, and proclaim salvation. And in addition, we should support the ministries of those whom God has called as full-time ambassadors of the gospel, the missionaries and pastors and teachers whose vocational call is to share the gospel with those who need to hear it.
If you’ve never accepted the beautiful salvation through faith in Jesus, trust Him today. He offers forgiveness instead of bondage to sin and joy instead of fear. A relationship with God is available not because you are good enough but because Jesus has taken your punishment and conquered sin and death through the cross and resurrection.


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