11-17-17 Secrets

There's a lot of discussion going on about secrets here lately. It seems like we have a daily front row seat to watch the secrets of another person being exposed for the world to see. Do we really need to know the dark things that people have done in the past? Does anything positive really come out of such knowledge? We all are flawed as human beings. We all have sin in our lives that we'd rather keep hidden from others.There is an old saying that your sins will find you out.I can personally attest that is a true statement. There is always a consequence for your sin it may not be immediate it may takes years for it to catch up with you but sooner or later it will. There are different reasons for keeping secrets sometimes it's to protect ourselves or it could be to protect others from being hurt.Maybe it would be better for everyone if we were just honest and transparent from the beginning. Then we wouldn't need to lie and keep secrets from each other. God knows all of our secrets and one day our lives will be laid open like a book for everyone to see. I've already exposed most of my secrets for everyone to see but there still are one or two left that even I don't want to acknowledge.The good news is that whatever secrets we may have are forgivable by God's mercy and grace. We just have to acknowledge our shortcomings and turn away from them and ask for his forgiveness and then forgive ourselves. If any good comes from this national display of humiliation and sinfulness maybe it will be the realization that the people we place on pedestals and use as role models are just like everyone else Human and Flawed. Let's be kind to one another. Remember" Let him who is without sin cast the first stone".        


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