2-19-18 2017 Myths vs Facts

Daily Jot: 2017 Myths vs Facts - Bill Wilson -
If you listen to the mainstream news media and the socialist left, you could become very depressed. Everything is characterized from the lens of racism, homophobia, misogyny, Islamophobia, bigotry, and scare tactics about how the economy is going to tank under President Donald Trump. These soldiers of "resistance" spend a great deal of time spinning narratives, using partial facts and slanting coverage of events in an attempt to brainwash the public into thinking that America is bad, white Americans are bad, and that anyone who supports the President or even parts of his agenda are terrible, even deplorable, people. There are a lot of myths being spun that don't mesh with the facts.
The President, through the Republican Party website, has listed the Top 11 "fake news" stories of 2017. The New York Times, ABC News, Time, CNN, the Washington Post, and Newsweek made the list, some of them several times. Early on, the talking points of the fake news media were that the stock market and economy would never recover from the Trump election. The racist narrative was promoted by TIME by falsely reporting that Trump had removed a bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. from the Oval Office. The Washington Post took pictures of a sold out Trump rally before it started and reported that the arena was empty. There were several stories that had to be retracted about the Trump "Russian connection."
While these stories were played and re-reported throughout the days and weeks to millions upon millions, they were all false. Notwithstanding, they served to whip up a frenzy among those who present themselves as educated and informed against the rest of the nation who they consider deplorables. The facts are a different, less reported story. Just today, unemployment numbers are reported the lowest since 2000 and perhaps since the 1970s. The economy has created some 2 million jobs and generated $8 trillion in wealth since the inauguration. African Americans and Hispanics are employed by the largest numbers since these statistics have been recorded.
There are many more positive accomplishments by the Trump Administration while over 90% of the media coverage has been negative or spinning yarns of untruths. What president has recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? We also haven't heard much about the Islamic State's murderous activities-could it be because Trump's military has killed them off? From Supreme Court and lower court nominees to regulation reduction to cutting funding for the terrorist operation called the Palestinian Authority, Trump has delivered. Yet the media and leftists remain an Isaiah 59:6-7 people, "...their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands. Their feet run to evil..." Let's seek the truth and believe it instead of believing those who seek to ruin others with their lies spun as truth.


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