2-18-18 Rapture Ready News

18 Feb 2018

IDF strikes 18 terror targets in Gaza amid heaviest fighting in years 
IDF forces struck 18 Hamas targets Saturday night, the IDF spokesperson’s office reported. Among these targets were two Hamas outposts and weapons manufacturing facilities. The attack was carried out by the Israeli Air Force as well as other army units, and the figure includes the targets struck earlier in the day.
Iranian foreign minister: Israel’s ‘myth of invincibility’ has crumbled 
Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Sunday the shooting down of an Israeli jet after bombing an Iranian site in Syria had shattered Israel’s “so-called invincibility”, reacting to a critical speech delivered earlier by Israel’s premier. “Israel uses aggression as a policy against its neighbours,” Zarif told the Munich Security Conference, accusing Israel of “mass reprisals against its neighbours and daily incursions into Syria, Lebanon.”
Loophole-laden bill to cut PA funds over terrorist salaries approved 
A Defense Ministry proposal to combat the Palestinian Authority’s policy of paying terrorists and their families that was criticized by MKs for being too weak was approved by the Ministerial Committee for Legislation on Sunday. The proposed legislation would have the security cabinet decide each month whether to dock the amount the PA paid terrorists from tax and tariffs that Israel collects for the Authority.
Israel’s Netanyahu attacks ‘dangerous Iranian tiger’
Israel’s prime minister has launched a stinging attack on Iran, telling a security conference in Munich it is the “greatest threat to our world”. Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would “not allow Iran’s regime to put a noose of terror around our neck”. Mr Netanyahu drew a parallel between the 1938 Munich Agreement, seen as a failed attempt to appease Nazi Germany, and the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.
Scientists create first human-sheep hybrids…
Scientists have created the first ever human-sheep hybrids, paving the way for organs to be grown in animals which can be transplanted into humans. The successful Stanford University project could even open the door to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes by creating healthy pancreases to regulate blood sugar.
Human speech will be replaced by thought communication by 2050
The Hybrid Intelligence Biometric Avatar (HIBA), will understand the feelings of people connected to it, take on their personas, exchange information with them and even become part of the fabric of their brains. Mr Karjnovic, who has produced the exhibit, explained: “It is very similar to the work of Elon Musk – it is an open source platform for humanity…He suggested the technology would enable people to use “brain to brain communication” anywhere on the planet.
Brazil Military Takes Control of Rio de Janeiro’s Security
Brazil’s President Michel Temer justified putting an Army general in charge of Rio de Janeiro’s security forces to contain a rising tide of violence by saying that the circumstances required extreme measures.
Anti-Semitic hate speech incidents at all time high in Austria
A watchdog on anti-Semitism in Austria reported an increase in hate speech incidents and a decrease in physical assaults last year over 2016.
Netanyahu tells UN chief: Golan will remain Israel’s forever
Reiterating past comments, Netanyahu added that Israel would act against any Iranian attempt to build bases in Syria
LGBT community irate as US Education Secretary says bathroom segregation is by gender, NOT gender identity
…In May 2016, then-US President Barack Obama ordered US public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms corresponding to their preferred gender identity…On Tuesday, Education Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Hill explained that decision, saying that “Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, not gender identity.”
District caught altering evidence to ban Christian club
A school district in Kentucky is being accused of altering evidence to prevent a Christian childrens’ club from meeting in school facilities like other organizations.
Scientists create first human-sheep hybrids
Scientists have created the first ever human-sheep hybrids, paving the way for organs to be grown in animals which can be transplanted into humans.
Medical establishment BAFFLED over why so many healthy, vaccinated people keep dying from the flu
…What is of grave concern to medical experts is the fact that thousands of otherwise healthy people across 42 states, who theoretically are not at risk of flu complications, have become dangerously ill from influenza this year…And, of even more concern to the mainstream medical establishment is the fact that many of these formerly healthy people were vaccinated against the disease before becoming ill.
Former military meteorologist admits military aircraft spray aluminum into the atmosphere
…A few years ago, if you questioned the white lines streaking across the sky and theorized they were chemicals, you would be mocked; now, you are expected to believe that injecting aerosols into the atmosphere can save the planet.
Shock: Preachers Harassed And Arrested For Speaking About Christianity Without The States Permission 
Two street preachers are targeted, confronted and eventually arrested by transit officers who insist that they stop talking about their Christian beliefs without getting the agency’s permission first, and the courts say that’s all right.
Over a million children under the age of six are currently on psychiatric drugs in America
…Antidepressants and antipsychotics put forth some surprising figures, but the biggest category of psychotic drugs given to children appears to be anti-anxiety drugs. Just over 227,132 babies under one and nearly 248,000 of those aged four to five take these medications.
London’s ‘Modest’ Fashion Show Celebrates Sharia-Compliant Clothing Weeks After Women Burn Hijabs in Iran
London Modest Fashion Week will “celebrate” Britain’s growing sharia-compliant fashion industry — less than two weeks after women living under Islamic fundamentalist regimes risked imprisonment when they burnt their hijabs on No Hijab Day.


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