2-17-18 Shooters, Drugs, MK Ultra, Mental Illness

After another horrific week in the United States with a day that is supposed to be about love turned into blood shed and evil. The only fact that we can be sure of is that another group of innocent people mostly children are dead. Their parents, loved ones,and friends are left to morn and grieve their loss. The people in power that could make some difference are busy pointing fingers and blaming each other. The general public don't really know who or what to blame. Some don't even care anymore as this has become common place in our society. There's really no place safe or untouched that you can go to. There does seem to be patterns and similarities with all of these events although this time the shooter survived. The witnesses all have different recounts of what occurred and the main stream media can't seem to get the story correct. No matter what the official story ends up being the result remains the same. No new laws or regulation will change anything. The mentally ill might end up losing some of their civil or human rights in the name of safety and security. The government will probably throw more money at the problem and we will probably have more armed people in schools. I don't know that any of those measures will make an difference. In time in another small town or large city the scenario will played out again. The gun industry will continue to make money and pro gun organizations will continue to give money to politicians. The   pharmaceutical industry will continue to push their poisons no matter the toll they take on their unsupecting victims. And the goverment will continue to lie to and control the sheeple masses. Such is life in America in 2018.


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