12-29-22 Melting Down and Running Out of Time

Melting Down and Running Out of Time - By Daymond Duck - https://www.raptureready.com/2022/06/12/melting-down-and-running-out-of-time-by-daymond-duck/ On June 1, 2022, Anne Graham Lotz, Billy Graham’s daughter, wrote, “Our beloved nation is melting down. The jettisoning of traditional Judeo-Christian values has seemed to erupt at warp speed. Lying, corruption, deception, betrayal, and greed are becoming the norm. Fear, rage, lawlessness, murder, suicides, and drug and alcohol abuse seem out of control. The signs the Bible gives which characterize the last generation of human history are warning indicators. Could it be our world is coming under God’s final judgment? If so, then the time before Jesus returns for His followers is running out.” Here is a link to the entire article: https://harbingersdaily.com/preach-stand-the-time-before-jesus-returns-for-his-followers-is-running-out/ Here are more reports on things that are taking place: One, concerning shortages: on May 25, 2022, Bloomberg reported that fuel shortages, drought, and heatwaves in Asia, Europe, and the U.S. could cause rolling blackouts (no electricity) in less than one month. According to Bloomberg, commodity disruptions, the war in Ukraine, and Biden’s failed effort to transition away from fossil fuels are going to cause electric power systems to fail (putting one billion people at risk worldwide and likely including U.S. citizens in six states from California to the Great Lakes). Two, concerning food and fuel shortages: on June 2, 2022, Bill Wilson (Senior Analyst for Koenig’s Eye View) wrote, “According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a family of four on a thrifty food plan paid $917 for groceries in May, up about 65 percent from a year ago. Gasoline prices have jumped over 53 percent, from $2.46 a gallon when Biden first took office, to $4.62 a gallon on Monday. The American Automobile Association asks on its website, “Is this the calm before the storm?” The answer is a loud yes.” In part, Wilson blamed: Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline and exploration and leases on federal lands. Biden’s belief that higher fuel prices are needed to cause Americans to transition from fossil fuels to green energy. Poor decisions by the Chair of Biden’s Council of Economic Advisors and his Sec. of the Treasury. More: On June 2, 2022, it was reported that Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase, said an economic hurricane is coming our way and “you better brace yourself.” Dimon said his company doesn’t know whether this will be a weak or a strong hurricane, but his company is preparing for “bad outcomes.” (Note: On June 6, 2022, physician and writer Dr. Brian Joondeph predicted that it will be a category 5 hurricane.) More: On June 3, 2022, Mike Adams (Brighteon) predicted that food shortages in the U.S. will lead to food riots resulting in “martial law in America before the mid-term election.” More: Adams is not the only prophecy teacher that believes Biden may use food shortages, electrical shortages, or some other crisis to cancel the mid-term elections so the Democrats won’t be voted out of office. More: On June 6, 2022, it was reported that: The price of gasoline has risen 27 out of the last 28 days. The sale of half-gallon containers of milk has increased, and the sale of gallon containers of milk has decreased because rising food prices are forcing people to buy less. Sales at dollar stores and dollar tree are increasing because people can no longer afford the better merchandise at other stores. My opinion: We are witnessing the result of Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan (weaken America to entice citizens to accept the NWO — world government). Three, on June 6, 2022, Pres. Biden declared a national energy emergency for the next 24 months (unless it is canceled first). Biden said, “Multiple factors are threatening the ability of the United States to provide sufficient electricity generation to serve expected customer demand.” Two “multiple factors” listed in his declaration are Russia and climate change. Biden didn’t mention his cancellation of the Keystone pipeline and the oil leases on federal lands. My opinion: America’s energy crisis is not being caused by Russia or climate change. America is deliberately being weakened from within. This is part of the WEF “Great Reset” (a transition from the old normal to the New World Order by 2030 or sooner). It is one of many scare tactics. I believe Americans will soon be told: That we can’t solve our problems by ourselves. That our problems (the inflation, supply-chain crisis, and pandemic they created) are global, and they require a global solution (a world government). From a Biblical perspective, I believe: That our created problems may be triggering the birth pains. That our created problems signify that we are approaching the Rapture. Four, concerning world government: on June 6, 2022, it was reported that Wayne Allen Root (Radio host, writer, and Libertarian Party candidate for Pres. of the U.S. in 2008) said he believes the U.S. economy is being destroyed so fast that the U.S. will not make it to the 2024 elections (and he is not even sure the U.S. will make it to this November’s mid-term elections). Concerning why he believes that way, Root listed what some of the richest men in America are saying, rising interest rates, surging inflation, declining home sales, exploding gasoline and food prices, looming food shortages, surging violence, surging crime, wide-open borders, the rush to disarm U.S. citizens, and more. We now have one of America’s former Presidents (a Republican, Trump) and a former candidate for President (a Libertarian, Root) saying America may decline and collapse before the 2024 elections, and this is in addition to Anne Graham-Lotz’s statement that “Our beloved nation is melting down.” My opinion: If the U.S. economy is destroyed before 2024, the global economy will go down with it. My opinion: I have also long believed that the Rider on the Black Horse in Rev. 6:5-6 is hyperinflation and a global economic collapse and that rider will be released by Jesus early in the Tribulation Period. My opinion: I agree with those that believe the people in Washington are too intelligent to get America in this mess, so it must be deliberate. I think they are deliberately transitioning to the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, and that is not good for America. Time will tell, but 2024 is drawing near, and multitudes could know soon. Five, concerning world government: on June 6, 2022, Mexico’s Pres. Obrador suggested that the U.S. and Mexico should erase their border and merge the two nations, and in case that sounds ridiculous, he announced that he will meet with Pres. Biden at the White House next month to discuss this very issue. It seems incredible that any President of the U.S. would even discuss a merger with Mexico, but then, Biden stopped construction on the border wall and said he will make the NWO happen. The NWO is about a borderless world (world government). Six, concerning the Covid-19 pandemic, on June 3, 2022, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released their data on adverse reactions to Covid-19 vaccinations from Dec. 14, 2020, to May 27, 2022. The U.S. government-funded CDC data shows that in the U.S.: 586 million vaccinations were administered (346 million were Pfizer, 221 million were Moderna, and 19 million were Johnson & Johnson). 825,454 people had an adverse reaction. 13,150 people died (16% died within 24 hours; 20% died within 48 hours). 83,454 people had a serious reaction. Readers should be aware that only a small fraction of the adverse reactions get reported to the CDC (put another way, the facts are much worse than the CDC numbers show, and this is allowed because the CDC is concerned that more accurate numbers would cause more people to refuse to be vaccinated). Also, these numbers are just for the U.S. (they do not include data from other nations). Seven, concerning the Days of Noah (wickedness): on June 8, 2022, it was reported that a man with a weapon and burglary tools that said he wanted to kill Judge Richard Kavanaugh was detained outside the Judge’s home. One problem with evil in America is that one of the main political parties is okay with wickedness and violence by some people (Antifa, Black Lives Matter, abortion demonstrators, etc.), but they accuse and refuse to tolerate violence or the accusation of violence and wickedness from others (Jan. 6 demonstrators, some Trump officials, etc.). They refuse to prosecute some groups and deny Constitutional protections to other groups. If these corrupt officials don’t correct this two-tiered legal system, God will eventually deal with it. Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. duck_daymond@yahoo.com


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