12-29-22 Guns and Murder

Guns and Murder :: By Jim Towers Published on: June 11, 2022 by RRadmin7 Category:General Articles, Jim Torres “Towers” The present rulers of our nation are quick to jump on events like the shooting in Texas, pretending to be sorrowful for the children who were killed. We all (except for them) are truly sorrowful. I’m talking about Obama, who had no business spouting out his fake sorrow for the children who were killed on national television since he holds no office today. Joe Biden also played the sorrow card, all the while advocating for the slaughter of the unborn and pushing for the death and dismemberment of the newly born as well. Every day, thousands of tiny human beings are dismembered (murdered) while in the womb with their blessing and even insistence. What absolute hypocrites! It should be evident – to even the blind – that this is totally evil demonic behavior. The devil hates human beings who are made in the image and likeness of God because he hates God and is using these Godless people to subdue and imprison God-fearing conservatives, namely Christians all over the world. In so doing, the Godless communists are going to try to do away with our right to bear arms. They are (as they should be) expecting to be charged with treason and sedition as well as election theft, as seen in the documentary “2000 Mules” by Dinesh D’Souza. Without guns, you don’t win wars or protect your families, friends, and neighbors effectively. Guns don’t kill people; people kill people. And if it were not for honest, law-abiding persons who arrest criminals, the criminal element would reign supreme. Criminals are always able to buy or steal guns. It is also criminal-minded people who would like to be able to do what they want with unarmed citizens. One only has to look at the oppressed countries that had their guns taken away by their government. In cities like New York, Chicago, Detroit, and L.A., where Lawmen were told to stand down — as was done in Texas or was eliminated altogether — crime is rampant. These cities let Policemen go in favor of social workers who are afraid to even get their hands dirty. But with no one to police, they are victims of their own devices. The Mass shootings that are occurring on a daily basis throughout the United States will be their excuse to try and disarm the populous. Yet these vaccines kill and maim far more people than do guns. Maybe they should do away with these vaccines first. Incidentally, the only culture I know of that is willing to sacrifice their own children on behalf of the government is Muslim. The dead Jihadist children are elevated to martyr status for their willingness to strap bombs to their bodies and blow themselves up while the parents celebrate another day of life, and live to fight another day. Furthermore, like the lying atheistic communists they are – they provoke Russia to up the war by giving billions of dollars to the war effort in Ukraine. People are dying in droves in that war, and many of them are innocent children. Russia is almost sure to come out the victor. Methinks that Ukraine is holding something against Joe Biden called Burisma to be able to get billions of American taxpayer dollars. It’s called blackmail. And while we are on that subject, how about evil people, Tony Fauci experiments with children in third world countries, inoculating them with experimental concoctions that either cripple them or kill them outright. Being the shrewd criminal he is, Fauci doesn’t use a gun to get the money he wants; he uses the jab, which can contain anything and everything but the kitchen sink. He and others like him have no conscience and confirm what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said, that those without God are spiritually dead. Next are the so-called elitists – (formerly the Weather Underground), a small group of aging people who want oxygen and food all for themselves. These people meet occasionally to discuss how to bring this about. How can the elimination of 80 % of the planet not be murder? In fact, an FBI operative (back in the day when we could trust them) infiltrated and eventually attended one of the meetings of the Weather Underground (haters of America) hosted by Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dorn (friends and promoters of Barack Hussein Obama.) In a video on the internet, Larry Grathwohl talks about the big questions that were asked by some of the attendees — questions like, “How do we take their guns from them…. We outlaw them…. What do we do about those who resist after we take their guns? We imprison and indoctrinate them.… And how do we deal with those who continue to resist?… The answer was – we kill them! We are talking about millions and millions of people. How do we kill so many people? We invite communist countries to do that and give them land in return. These nutjobs were like children in their zeal, and as fanciful as all this foolishness may seem, they continue to spout such craziness, not realizing that they are aging and will soon die as their time on earth runs out. Think Bill Gates. BOOK REVIEW I just learned this from the Lance Wallnau Show on the internet, a Christian show I happened to find last night. My take on this Christian man is that he is extremely entertaining as well as being well informed about biblical matters, but a person would do well to take what he says with a grain of salt. He spoke about how judgment was already beginning to take place worldwide and that this coincided with the Blood moon making another appearance on November 14th of this year (election day of Mid-Term elections.) This, he said, would happen as the scales of justice (Libra, a constellation of the Zodiac, would be over the Northern Hemisphere at that same time.) I was surprised to learn from him that Reverend D. James Kennedy was a writer and that he had written a few books. The one that was spoken of was about the meaning of the Constellations of the Zodiac, something I had never explored before. This is what the internet has to say about the book: Cataclysmic events have shaken our world. Uncertainty is on the rise, and so is interest in the occult and astrology. Startling discoveries related by eminent theologian Dr. D. James Kennedy prove that God created the Zodiac! God intended the stars to foretell the future of the world. Discover what Dr. Kennedy calls Biblical astrology or the Gospel in the stars. The Real Meaning of the Zodiac just might give you insight into your future. I intend to read this book and see how it jibes with the Bible. YBIC Jim Towers Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and visit me at www.dropzonedelta.com and my own website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com to find out about my current endeavors. (I’m still hoping to make my evangelical film warning of the signs to look for and get my bio Miracles, Signs, and Wonders published while we await the deliverance of the rapture.)


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