1-25-20 Today in the Word

Following by Faith
Saturday, January 25, 2020 | Romans 8:28–39
John Piper, author, speaker, and pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, is known for his passion and zeal. Recently, he spoke on his favorite verse in the Bible, Romans 8:32. “When all is said and done, we owe every good in our lives to blood- bought grace,” Piper says. “The logic of that verse is the most beautiful logic in the universe.” He goes on to say that since God did not spare even His own Son, “He will most certainly give us absolutely everything we need to get to heaven and glorify His name.”
Verse 32 comes as further explanation to the believers in Rome that all things work together for good (v. 28). This is not just positive thinking. Paul bases this declaration on the solid fact that God is ultimately sovereign (vv. 28–31). In verse 32, Paul describes how God sacrificially and selflessly offered His own Son, Jesus, to die for us. He then asks a series of five rhetorical questions (vv. 31–34). Paul is pushing his point, digging into the character of God, and wanting it to sink deeply into the hearts of his readers: Our God is the final judge (v. 33) and those who believe in Jesus will not be condemned because Christ Himself is interceding on our behalf (v. 34).
Nothing in heaven or on earth can separate God’s powerful love from us (vv. 35–39)! Our justification through faith is a direct result of God not sparing His own Son, but sacrificing Him to pay our debt (v. 32). Piper concludes, “Without the cross, nothing, nothing good for us. Only hell. If you didn’t wake up in hell this morning, it was a good day. It was because He did not spare His own Son.”
Reflecting on your own life, what were some difficult events that God ultimately used for good? Perhaps it was a letter of rejection, a failed marriage, or a death of a loved one. Even in the midst of our difficulties God is still for us (v. 31). Remember, He is in your corner because He freely gave up His Son for you.
Looking at your life, are you able to thank God for the suffering and hardships in your past? The Word of God says that all things (not only good things) come together for good for those who love God. Do you believe it?


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