9-23-19 The Hour is Late.

I usually don't sit down and write this time of night. It's late, I just got home and just missed an accident on Hwy 321 several cars in front of me. Praise God for his angels watching over me as the attacks have been relentless here lately. You don't pick the time when you want God to speak to you, he does if you are willing to listen. I don't have a long retention time for my memory anymore and so I know if I don't write this now I probably never will.
The enemy is already here. He's just watching and waiting until the hour arrives and power is granted unto him. The beast system is already mostly in place it just hasn't be fulled activated yet. A lot of people believe that they can continue to play with the devil and beat him at his own game at the last minute. The Holy Bible says differently. It states that you will be given over to the deception when it comes because you loved not the truth. Honestly, if you can't discern the simple truths now do you really think the Antichrist won't be able to fool you? Ir your mind, heart, and soul are not in the right place before time firmly in the word and spirit then you too will be standing in line with all the other sheeple to receive the mark of the beast so that you can function in the beast system. When you do, it's all over for you. From that time on you have No Hope, it would have been better for you to have never been born. You will no longer be human but rather an it, a thing that is abominable in the sight of God. You will be legally owned by Satan. You may cry out to God but he will neither hear you nor help you. You are eternally damned and separated from God. God is now your judge and will deliver his righteous judgment and punishment. You are the one responsible, there is no one else to blame. You will remember all the times' someone spoke to you about Jesus and pleated with you to receive his pardon. You were too busy, you had more important things to do. You tried to gain the whole world and now you have lost your soul.
I can't imagine anything more horrific than this. The time is closer than you think. It can happen in the blink of an eye. We are in the season. If you are alive and reading this you will see some part of this before your very eyes until God takes you home either by death or rapture. I honestly don't know what else to say to people. If you don't have a personal relationship with him this should scare the literal hell out of you to the point that you would drop to your knees and cry out to Him for forgiveness and mercy. All I can do is warn you and pray that God will convict your soul of its neediness for him. Please, Please wake up and listen and act before it's too late. Peace


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