1-9-18 A Letter to America 2018

A Letter To America (2018) :: By Dale V. Nobbman

Dear United States of America,
Hello, it’s me, a Christian American citizen. How are you doing today, America? I thought I’d better check up on you, because it’s obvious your condition has been unstable in recent years, and according to a number of sources your status had worsened. I pray, though, that you are putting up a good fight to keep from succumbing to your problems. Electing Trump as your president will help!
I still cannot understand why you allowed yourself to become ‘sick’ in so many ways, including morally, spiritually and financially. I certainly must admit, though, I had noticed an alarming change in you from the America I grew up with a number of years ago. I know you tend to put on a smiley face whenever possible for the cameras and mainstream press in order for them to give us citizens false reports on your condition, but President Trump helps expose any fake news.
I guess if all of us citizens would just have been satisfied to ‘drink the kool-aid’ and ‘feed on the mind-altering baloney’ your previous president and mainstream, liberal media served up to us on a daily basis, you just might have fooled all of us.
But for those citizens who still read the Bible, trust in God, believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and still have functional ‘senses’ and Godly wisdom, it was impossible for you to hide the increasing symptoms of national ‘cancer’ that was spreading everywhere from coast to coast and metastasizing itself dramatically under the previous presidential administrations and the widespread, pervasive, radical liberal activism.
As a patriotic Christian American citizen, I always felt I was one of your best friends; but until you elected President Trump, I felt more like a ‘thorn in your side’ trying to prevent you from pursuing unbridled and unabashed corruption and sin at all levels of government and society, as well as conducting your ‘liberty-stripping’ activities without feeling guilty.
I just can’t help remember how all of your friends used to call you “America the Beautiful,” and still others, “Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean.” Ah yes, you were once ‘the shining city upon the hill’, an example for the rest of the world to try and emulate; but then your shining light was almost snuffed out.
I can’t recall anyone referring to you in those loving terms above for a long time now, as it seems your progressive illness had led to a portion of your original qualities and appeal, as established by your Founding Fathers, to become severely diminished over recent years.
I really don’t know why that should have been the case, because you’ve always had a strong Constitution, up until recently anyway, to sustain you through all the trials and tribulations you’ve encountered over the years. So why have you recently been faltering? Could it be at least in part the result of all the Constitution bashing by political leaders, lawmakers and courts, who have stomped daily on the Godly heart of your once great nation?
“O beautiful for spacious skies;” I remember how God once “shed His grace on thee.” You remember that, don’t you? I don’t know how you could ever forget it, considering the number of blessings our Creator God has allowed you to receive and then bestow upon others over the years. It’s just that I haven’t heard you give much thanks to God in return lately, which seems very strange to me and has raised my level of concern for you; because the America I remember in your stronger days always gave thanks to God.
It’s nice that President Trump gives thanks to God publicly.
I can remember ever so well how you used to “praise the power that hath made and preserved us as a nation,” and how you would declare that “all glory, laud, and praise be forever Thine.” I also remember how good it made me feel when you would break forth and sing to the author of our liberty, the God of our Fathers. It seems like just yesterday you were asking God to “mend thy every flaw,” and that “protecting us by Thy might, Great God our King” was your daily prayer.
Those were really good days, weren’t they? Things were going pretty well then. Whatever happened? I never thought I would see you so morally and socially ‘sick’ as you have been lately. I’m sure it doesn’t help that you spend a great deal of your time watching violence, pornography, and other assorted trash on television, in the movies, on the Internet, and in video games.
Have you ever really taken the time to consider the ramifications of your so-called ‘entertainment industry’ spewing their mind-numbing ‘garbage’ into the minds and hearts of your young people? And on top of that, your attempt to legitimatize the sexually deviant and perverted behavior of a few ‘lost’ souls and then dump it upon your society at large will most certainly not help you in ever getting God to heal your land. You may recall that God ‘hates’ such activity.
So, as long as these above-mentioned activities and many other un-Godly practices continue to be encouraged and promoted with increasing frequency and intensity, I’m afraid you will only get sicker, America.
Have you forgotten that Jesus Christ is the ‘Great Physician’?
Dear America, why are you slamming the door in His face to prevent Him from healing everything that seriously troubles you? He’s knocking at the door, willing and able to heal you, to forgive your sins and restore you to the healthy vitality you once knew; but you have to get off your potential death bed and open the door from within to ask Him back into your land in order to reverse your terminal illness.
Thank God, America, that you have taken the first step in the right direction to renewed health as a nation by electing Donald Trump as president!
Perhaps you will never fully understand, America, how you changed my life and thrilled my heart when you declared to me in bygone years that “mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord,” and “in the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, with a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me.” With faith like that, anyone in the world couldn’t help but see how you had become one nation under God.
“Oh, say can you see” how far off course you have strayed from your original beliefs and affirmation in God’s guiding hand upon you?
Yes, it’s true; you still call yourself the “land of the free and the home of the brave,” and you still proclaim “in God we trust;” so how could there be any doubt in where your faith lies? Well, unfortunately, the current problems you are facing seem to be from your lack of faith in the Father of Liberty.
I will continue to pray for you, that those of us who really love you will once again be able to experience your true and unfaltering faith in God; although until recently it appeared to a large segment of us American citizens that you had blatantly turned your back on God’s divine leadership in most all matters.
A couple things I do know for sure: we’ve been friends a long time, America, and I know that God still loves you as He did in the beginning, when He gave you the blessed name of the United States of America.
Well, I guess I’ll close for now. I knew you were growing weaker and weaker until, Praise God, you elected President Trump. But, you still need all the strength you can muster to collect your thoughts and ponder your recent actions and activities, and then set a course of action on how you can correct them going forward with your improving prognosis under Donald Trump.
Please know that I will not stop praying for you, America, in the days ahead. I want you to continue to get better; and remember, I’m here if you need me, as well as many more citizens like me.
I am confident you will begin to feel so much better when you reconnect with God. And once that happens, then ‘We the People’ can continue to sing “My Country ‘Tis of Thee, Sweet Land of Liberty,” and proudly continue to fly the Star-Spangled Banner with its stars and stripes for a long, long time to come!
God bless you, America, and your president, Donald Trump, in the days ahead!
Your Faithful Friend,
A Patriotic Christian American Citizen


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