1-24-18 Situations in Need of Prayer This Week

January 22
Situations in Need of Prayer This Week
Pray for the US: The government shut down because liberal politicians are holding out for policies which take the nation down rather than contribute to it. But that’s the goal. Illegal aliens boarded planes this week to be quietly redistributed across the country on private flights paid for by US taxpayers. Another reason globalists want to take down the US is they don’t want a Judeo-Christian nation. It’s God they’re really against. The Freedom from Religion Foundation is hounding the Trump administration for more information on its Bible study sessions. We need to pray for the document to be revealed that supposedly will expose the traitors and put an end to the “witch hunt” against our president.
 Pray for People to Wake up to the Perils of Socialism
In socialist Venezuela, its citizens have resorted to buying and selling items of garbage as a means of survival as the country’s economic and humanitarian crisis continues to deepen.
 Pray for the Unborn and Those Fighting for Them: 22 States filed a Supreme Court brief on behalf of pregnancy centers forced to promote abortion. It started with a California law requiring these centers to show a message promoting abortion services. Since then, similar laws and challenges to those laws have been cropping up all across the country.
In Canada, church groups must support abortion as part of their “core mandate” in order to receive summer student job grants, says Canada’s employment minister, Patricia Hajdu. She added that employers also must attest in writing that they support abortion and transgender “rights.” Canada’s boy leader Justin Trudeau said pro-life groups are “not in line’ with Canadian government or society. The Canada Summer Job website says it doesn’t want taxpayers’ money going to groups who don’t endorse individual “human rights” to abortion.
Pray for Children, Youths in High School and Young Adults in Colleges Whose Minds are Being Destroyed:13 rescued siblings aged 2 to 29 were subjected to horrible living conditions all their lives by their own parents. Pray for their well-being, and also that the liberal left won’t be able to use this situation to stop all homeschooling so they can indoctrinate all children into their agenda.
In Massachusetts, the Jewish havdalah ceremony (in which blessings are recited and a prayer acknowledges the end of the Sabbath day, entreating God to grant a spiritually wholesome week) was given a new twist. Lander Grinspoon Academy had “Sparkle Havdalah” supported by local Jewish organizations. Their havdalah featured Drag Queen Story Hour, a national program launched in California in 2015 to give kids “glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”

Spotlighted were the books “Sparkle Boy” and “Heather Has Two Mommies.” The co-sponsor of this event (and also another Drag Queen Story Hour at the local library) says it aligns with “progressive” values of the local Jewish community and celebrates being against rigid ideas of what gender should be.

Abercrombie Kids proudly launched a gender-inclusive children’s fashion line called the “Everybody Collection.”

Teens are taking seriously the internet “Tide Challenge,” eating Tide pods laundry detergent, whose ingredients are highly-toxic when eaten. The pods are colorful and look like candy. At least 10 deaths have been linked to ingesting these pods so far: Two toddlers and eight seniors with dementia.

George Mason High School in Falls Church, VA held a school-wide assembly featuring transgender crusader and Washington Post reporter, Amy Nutt, to lecture students. She told students their gender is “assigned at birth” by people who might get it wrong, and toddlers can be transgender. She said gender is a spectrum and everyone must get comfortable with new gender language that is changing every day, adding that asking a biological boy to use the teachers’ rather than the girls’ restroom is “bullying.”
Georgetown University, ostensibly a “Catholic” school, will offer a housing complex starting this fall for homosexual, transgender and “questioning” students.
Weak Men and Haughty Women
Besides Facebook intending to weed out news stories it doesn’t approve of, Google forces liberal attitudes on its employees by having them attend “diversity training.” At one of the “groupthink” meetings, employees were told that Google has fewer female engineers due to “male bias” and how it needs to achieve 50/50 parity. An employee was fired when he asked on his questionnaire how Google could make 50% of its engineering hires female when only 20% of computer engineering graduates are women.
The non-liberal female lawyer suing on his behalf said, “They cannot achieve their goal legally by quotas, by putting men down, by shaming them, by refusing to promote them, by booing them in companywide meetings, which has been done…” She referred to the training sessions as “reeducation camps” which are associated with “Communist” regimes. “They’re what totalitarian systems resort to in order to dictate the inner thoughts of the unfortunate people who are unable to escape them.”
Feminists returned to the streets this weekend, marching for female empowerment and a lasting movement that will elect more women to government office. Gatherings took place across the U.S. and in other countries. Organizers strove for greater inclusion this year with “transgender female” speakers, women in the US illegally, sex workers and the formerly incarcerated. One woman speaker from last year’s march boasted that the gathering in Chicago prompted Muslim women to run for state Senate and Congress. “It was incredible. We realized how powerful this thing could be,” she said.
Isaiah 3 describes the downfall of a nation, which has always followed the same pattern. Due to the people turning against God and into rampant sin, the men became either unable or unwilling to lead, and “haughty” women ruled over them. Haughty is defined as “blatantly and disdainfully proudhaving or showing an attitude of superiority and contempt.”
“I will make mere youths their officials…Their words and deeds are against the Lord, defying his glorious presence. The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves. Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds. Woe to the wicked! …They will be paid back for what their hands have done. Youths oppress my people, women rule over them (haughty women–Isaiah 3:16).  My people, your guides lead you astray; they turn you from the path. The Lord…rises to judge the people.” – from Isaiah chapter 3


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