Do they have the guts to do it? - Jerry Golden -

There is only one way to defeat Hizbullah and Hamas and it doesn't look like the US or Israel has the intestinal fortitude, in plain old country boy talk, the guts to do it. You cannot negotiate with the Devil, you either defeat him or he defeats you. Islam is on the move in their Global Jihad and if the US and Israel don't come to grips with the reality of what is in store for them it will be to late in the very near future. The main problem today is Iran and everyone knows it, yet no one is willing to do what has to be done to stop Iran. If we can't handle them now what are we going to do after they have the nuclear bomb and give it to al-Qaida, Hizbullah and Hamas. As for Hizbullah and Hamas neither could even exist without the support of Iran, they would have no money or weapons and they would have no choice but to surrender.

The solution is not a pretty one, yet it is the only one unless we are ready to surrender to the Islamic Jihad, Iran has to be turned into a giant Glass Factory. There isn't a country in the world that doesn't know that is the only real solution, and the only way these fanatics can be stopped. What they are counting on is we don't have the guts to do it.

Everyone is talking about the 22nd and how Iran or the Islamic Terrorist is going to do some terrible thing on that date. Most believe they will attack Israel with a nuclear bomb, I don't think so, it is more likely they will hit the US with something big, but not a nuclear bomb. The one thing they know if they send a nuclear bomb to Israel it will most likely be intercepted, but in the event it gets through, and destroys Israel, they know Israel has set up a system that will destroy all of Iran even if Israel is destroyed. So to send a nuclear bomb to Israel would in effect be committing National suicide in a major scale. That logic may be to sane to hold water when talking about a man who thinks it is his Islamic duty to usher in the 12th Imam. Who many are coming to understand will be the same person as the anticipated anti-Christ. They do have the same qualifications and are both to be called on the scene in the last days at the same time. Now before anyone writes me and argues with me about this, I am not saying what I believe I am telling you what millions of other believe?

One thing is certain Israel under the leadership of Ehud Olmert lost it it's first war and not to a Country but to a Terrorist Army. The Arabs are dancing in the streets in Tehran, Gaza, Beirut and all the Arab countries, now they know Israel can be beaten or at least they think so. They didn't beat the IDF they were able to hold out for a cease-fire because of poor leadership not because of the quality of the IDF. When the dust settles here in Israel there will be a chance of leadership from the top down. And God willing the Likud Party will get back in control. But even that depends on how willing Netanyahu is to start acting like he wants to win the support of the country. In the past election he just danced around and made a lot of speeches to the people of the US while the Israelis just didn't trust him after his failure as Prime Minister. And brought the Likud from over 40 seats to 13 or so but if there ever was a time for him to start acting like a man who wants to win it is now. He may well be the only chance we have.

I think the only consolation I have in all of this, I know the end from the beginning, you see I read the book and I even know the Author. So somehow we (Israel) will win but only with His help. And God forbid that the Jews of Europe and elsewhere in the world should allow this to deter them from making Aliyah. But God even has a plan to overcome that situation and it is called anti-Semitism on a terrible scale that will cause them to run for their lives to the only place God has provided for them, Israel.

The question is will we be ready to collect them, and there are other ministries waking up to this need as well. Which makes the ground work in Turkey and elsewhere even more important, for if they are not gathered to be collected boats will do no good at all. I am confident that we will have the right boat before long and that the needed finances will come in to overcome this problem. God always provides one way or the other when He calls us to a mission, all we have to do is to keep our eyes and mind on the thing God called us to do.

I have decided to say the following after praying over it I have gone to bed several nights by prayed myself to sleep over the needed finances for the larger boat. God has spoke to me on occasions and told me to rest in Him for He was in control. But to say to you that I have been able to stop worrying over the need to be ready for what God called us to would not be telling you the truth. You see God knows you and He knows me very well but He still called us to do things that He knows we can't do. It is often when we come to that understanding after trying as hard as we can that we hear from Him much like Jacob did after wrestling with the Angel. It was just last night that I heard from God in my Spirit and He told me that He has the right people to supply the needed finances and they already know what they must do. It was then that old me had to say to God yes God but will they do it. I didn't get any answer to that, but I think the silence was just God saying enough that's enough. But I have had this spiritual feeling of a certainly that all will be done on time, and the reason why I feel that was today is I know God can't and never fails, with or without us.


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