The One Hundred Percent Reality - Terror - Islam

Jack Kinsella - Omega Letter Editor - www.omegaleter.com

The Israeli Defense Forces are made up of Israeli citizens, mostly Jews, but also including Israeli Arabs, both Muslim and Christian, Druze, and other non-Jews who hold Israeli citizenship.

The Israeli government is made up of Israeli citizens, mostly Jews, but also including Israeli-Arabs, who hold seats in the Knesset and who are represented throughout all walks of Israeli political life.

But when reading war dispatches from the front lines in Lebanon, the Israeli Defense Forces are referred to as often as 'Jewish forces' as they are 'Israeli troops'.

The State of Israel is as often referred to as 'The Jewish State' as it is by its proper name.

As of the 2005 projected Israeli census figures, Israel's own demographics break down like this:

There are just over five million Jews holding Israeli citizenship. There are 1.3 million Israeli-Arabs who enjoy full Israeli citizenship. Of these, 1.1 million are Muslims, 116,900 Christian Arabs, and 116,900 Druze. In addition, there are 278,300 classified as 'other' broken down further as 27,400 non-Arab Christians with 250,900 "unclassified."

Broken down as percentages, it works out to something along the lines of 82% Jews, 9% Arabs, and 9% Christians. So, while the overwhelming majority of Israel's population is Jewish, not every Israeli is a Jew.

Indeed, if one takes the CIA's World Factbook at face value, one ends up with an even smaller percentage of Jews to non-Jews. The CIA World Factbook breaks it down to; Jewish 76.5%, Muslim 15.9%, Arab Christians 1.7%, other Christian 0.4%, Druze 1.6%, unspecified 3.9%.

Before moving on, let's take a look at how the CIA World Factbook breaks down the US population by religion (it is quite illustrative to our ultimate point): Protestant 52%, Roman Catholic 24%, Mormon 2%, Jewish 1%, Muslim 1%, other 10%, none 10%.

Using the same source that classifies Israel as 78.5% Jewish, we find that the United States of America is 78% Christian and 22% Other Than Christian.

And THAT'S how Jewish the "Jewish State" is.

It is as Jewish as America is Christian. Give or take a half of one percentage point. When was the last time that America was referred to by the mainstream media, (or by anybody else except Osama bin Laden) as "the Christian State"?

Now, what of Israel and America's self-proclaimed worst enemy, Iran? Islam, 98%. Other, 2%. What of Syria? Islam, 90%. Other, 10%.

After the British terror plot was made public yesterday, President Bush said that America is at war with 'Islamic fascists'. Most people not blinded by the dazzling light of political correctness would take exception to the president's comment as being too narrow, but compared to the British assessment, it is, as the Brit's might say, 'spot on'.

One need dig very deeply into British press accounts in order to find out that the terror plotters were even Muslim. Most accounts identify them as 'home-grown British terrorists of East Asian descent'. A few daring media organizations go so far as to say the majority of them were 2nd or 3rd generation Pakistanis.

Very, very few are so daring as to note that 100% of them were Muslim and even the United States is reluctant to identify them as members of al-Qaeda. Noted America's Number One Terrorist Fighter, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, the plot was 'international in scope.'

British Interior Minister John Reid said yesterday "the plot had all the hallmarks of Muslim fundamentalist network al-Qaeda", leaving open the possibility that it might also be disgruntled Swedes or unhappy British Catholics seeking revenge for Henry the VIII's divorce from Anne Bolelyn.

Maybe they were unhappy members of AARP seeking redress for inadequate Social Security benefits?

When asked whether the British government now considered itself to be "at war with Islam", he said: "We are involved in a long, wide and deep struggle against very evil people. . . .This is not a case of one civilization against the other, of one religion against the other, but of terrorists who want to use evil methods. This threat is common to us all."

But it certainly isn't over religion, just because ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the terrorists are Islamic and their preferred targets are Christians and Jews. Perish the thought!

It is reminiscent of Canada's recent terrorist arrests -- in which 100% of the plotters were Muslim --, in which the RCMP admitted it was flummoxed in its efforts to find a 'common thread' that linked the terrorists, 'who came from all walks of Canadian life' together.

The Brits, suffering from the same dhimmi-inspired blindness, had just as much difficulty linking Islam to their plotters, even though one of them was a British 'Christian' (read: white, British non-East Asian, Pakistani, etc. from a traditional English family) who had FIRST converted to Islam, and THEN became a terrorist.

After months of exhaustive investigation following the July 7 attacks against the London rail system last year, the British were forced to admit that 100% of those terrorists were Muslims. (The RCMP, to my knowledge, still hasn't reached a similar conclusion about the 'common thread' linking its 'home-grown terrorist' cell as Islamic.)

But when it comes to the Hezbollah war against Israel, the terrorists are 'an Iranian-backed Lebanese terror group' coincidentally made up of 100% Muslims while 78% Jewish Israel is "The Jewish State" and the IDF are 'Jewish forces."

Are the dots starting to connect to make a picture for you? (If so, the RCMP is in desperate need of your services.)

Getting back to President Bush's astonishing revelation that America is at war with Islamic 'fascists', the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) immediately issued a statement condemning the White House for the use of "hot button terminology" that "puts the name of Islam and the Muslim community at risk."

Saturday Night Live never produced a skit more satirical than CAIR's official pronouncement.

Bush called the attempted terrorist attack "a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation."

Nihad Awad, executive director of CAIR, believes Bush should not even mention Islam when referring to the would-be terrorists.

"We have to isolate these individuals because there is nothing in the Koran or the Islamic faith that encourages people to be cruel or to be vicious or to be criminal," Awad said. "Muslims world wide know that for sure." (If so, it is a better-kept secret than America's most heavily-classified military plans.)

Seventy-eight percent of the "Jewish State" is Jewish. As such, it is the enemy of every faithful Muslim as a matter of religious duty. Seventy-eight percent of Americans are 'Christian' making America the sworn enemy of every religious Muslim.

ONE HUNDRED percent of the terrorists ever identified in the war on terror are Muslim. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.

In addition to limiting the president's comments, CAIR wants the U.S. media to disassociate Islam with terrorists "to make sure we don't start a religious war against Islam and Muslims."

START a religious war? By putting the Twin Towers in the path of Muslim hijackers? By putting Israel in the path of Hezbollah rocket trajectories? Michael Moore couldn't have said something more disconnected with reality.

The group says American reporters should adopt the policies of the British media when identifying suspected terrorists. (Where that nation's Muslim population expresses majority support for terrorism, according to independent polls.)

As already noted, most British media will not identify terrorists as "Muslim," "Islamic" or "Islamists" even when physical evidence shows they were motivated by beliefs based on Islamic teachings or writings.

"We also urge local law enforcement agencies to coordinate with Muslim leaders to deter hate crimes," Ahmed said. "It is also important that our fellow Americans understand that Muslims are law-abiding citizens who should not be targeted or singled out because of their faith or national origin."

Really? A Muslim's first allegiance cannot be to his home country, if he is to remain a faithful Muslim. Islam demands that the faithful submit to Islamic teaching, including the annihilation of both Israel and America as a matter of religious duty.

A Muslim is duty-bound to reject the US Constitution because it is based on Biblical precepts, including the Ten Commandments as the basis for US common law.

Islam, Mohammed and the Koran forbid freedom of religion and freedom of expression. Every Islamic government in the world is either a dictatorship or an autocracy. In allegedly democratic Afghanistan, a Muslim convert to Christianity was sentenced to death by an Islamic court empowered by the government legally pass such a sentence.

In allegedly democratic Iraq, the Constitution is bound by Islamic sharia law, making every Iraqi citizen either an enemy of both Israel and America or an apostate.

What of 'moderate' Islam? Are they speaking out against the terrorists who claim as their inspiration the 'peace-loving' Islam? "Because there is nothing in the Koran or the Islamic faith that encourages people to be cruel or to be vicious or to be criminal?"

No. They are planning to demonstrate by encircling the White House to protest what they call "the US-Israeli war" against Lebanon were organized and bussed in by Islamic groups, including the American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee and CAIR.

"Moderate Muslims" are coordinating bus transportation from as far south as Tampa, as far north as Connecticut and as far west as Michigan. They are posting ride-share arrangements online and urging communities to donate cash for bus rentals.

It is worth repeating that Israel is targeting Hezbollah terrorists armed with rockets. Hezbollah is targeting Israeli CIVILIANS in their homes, markets and cities.

"This is the largest mobilization of the Muslim community since the 2002 Palestinian rally," said Mahdi Bray, director of the Washington-based Muslim American Society, one of the co-sponsors.

Beyond America's stance on the conflict in Lebanon, many of the participants will be people frustrated with the domestic stance on civil liberties and harassment of Muslims across the country, Bray said.

How? By pretending Islam is not the driving philosophy that inspires and binds together ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the terrorists identified as enemy combatants in the war on terror? 'Moderate Muslims' demonstrate against America and Israel. Islamic terrorists kill Americans and Jews.

If there is a difference, it is not one of philosophy. It is one of methodology. The philosophy is identical. Islam vs. Christians and Jews. Christians and Jews are not targeting Islamic civilians as a matter of religious duty.

Christians and Jews are not demonstrating in Islamic capitals. (That would be suicidal, even if one could FIND surviving Christians and Jews in Islamic capitals)

Noted Bray, when U.S. Muslims head to Canada to celebrate Ramadan with relatives living there, they have no problems crossing the border into Canada. (That, by itself, is worthy of an entire column. Why not?)

But when they return to the US, they are, according to Bray, "asked silly questions, like 'Do you read the Koran?' 'What do you think of Osama bin Laden?'"

They might be 'silly' questions, if ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the terrorists identified as enemy combatants in the war on terror were not Muslims or if Osama bin Laden hadn't declared an Islamic jihad against America.

ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of Britain's 'home-grown terrorists' planning to blow up 12 trans-Atlantic aircraft filled with non-combatant men, women and children at random are Muslims. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of Canada's 'home-grown terrorists' are Muslims. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the detainees in the war on terror are Muslims.

ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the terrorists killed in active combat against the United States were terrorists. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the suicide bombers who blew themselves up as an act of war against the West were Muslims.

ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the terrorists who murdered more than three thousand innocent people on September 11 in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania were Muslims.

The Muslims protesting in Washington are protesting that the Jewish State (78%) is being backed by Christian America (78%) because they are unfairly targeting Muslims as potential terrorists.

But nobody can figure out what 'common thread' binds the terrorists together.

It is time to revisit that seminal question that so troubles American Christians in their study of Bible prophecy. Where IS America in Bible prophecy? We have now before us the clues necessary to unravel this Biblical puzzler, assuming anyone has the courage to announce the obvious conclusion out loud and in public. The answer is as obvious as it is terrifying.

Before we figured out who our enemy was, we had already lost the war.


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