12-10-17 Tales of the Strange and Unusual

I've debated for awhile and now have started writing a book on my experiences as an Exorcist's assistant and eventually an Exorcist and Demonologist myself. As a youngster, I grew up with a fascination for the supernational. My father was a big horror buff and I would raid his collection of horror comics. Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, Zombies and the like. I often fantasized about vampirism and the power to instill ones control and fear in others. By my preteen years, I had already become proficient with the ouji board and automatic writing. I had several books on witchcraft and spells. I started to dabble in astral projection. I had been baptized in a Baptist church at an early age, however, the act of baptism in its self-means nothing without the correct willing intent of the individual. There are things that we know and understand in our minds and hearts where we understand that what we are doing is against God's laws and will but we do it anyway. The pesky free will that all humans are born with. For me, it was a means of experimentation and rebellion against the norms. I had almost mastered the opening of my pineal gland, or the third eye. I had started to venture outside of myself without conscious thought. I remember my cousin Diane was getting married and mom wanted me to go to the wedding with her but I refused because my conscious self-kept leaving my physical body and I thought that I was losing my mind. I had become semi-functional I looked normal but in reality, I was far from being normal. Medical doctors and phycologists were no help and I was becoming desperate.Mom finally took me to an unconventional pastor and I explained everything that I had been doing. He explained that I had willingly allowed and invited a demonic spirit into my body. It was my choice of whether or not  I continued to allow it to remain or renounce it and pray to God to expel it and send it back to hell. I chose the later and he performed a rite and prayers of exorcism.I recovered to my old self but he forgot to inform me that I needed to turn to Jesus and live a life dedicated to him from that point on. I would be touched by evil many more times in my formative years I just didn't know and understand why at the time. In 1986 I would be given minor orders which included the order of Exorcist and the story begins.    


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