Bush State of the Union Full of Prophetic Significanc e - By Bill Wilson, KIN Senior Analyst www.watch.org

WASH Feb 1 From the call to morality to the emphatic statement that America will never surrender to evil, President George W. Bushs State of the Union speech Tuesday night contained numerous types and shadows of prophetic significance. Discussion of the global issues of Middle East policy, the war on terror, Islam, trade competition with India and China and the ever increasing demand for oil against the backdrop of an increasingly hostile Democratic party, which seems to have chosen to be an opposition party rather than a minority party, a ll pointed to a divided America facing the advance of the one world order of globalism.

Nearly two-thirds of the Presidents speech centered on the affairs related to the Middle East. While not admitting failure in the Palestinian Authority elections with the terrorist party Hamas winning victory, the President said that democracy in the area would often not look the same as that in America. He said that democracy in the Islamic states would reflect the traditions of their own citizens, but also warned that there should still be a respect for law and liberty.

He said that Hamas must disarm, recognize Israel and become part of the peace process, but Hamas seems defiant, saying it will go to other sources if Western funds are withheld. And Syria was quick to jump to the forefront and offer up support from other Arab nations a code that likely means Irans continued funding for the terrorist group would be increased and perhaps even Russia would join as a contributor.

On the domestic front, the President announced that he wanted to reduce Americas dependence on foreign oil by 75 percent in the next 20 years. President Bush called for an end to unethical conduct by public officials, activist courts that try to redefine marriage, and he demanded legislation that would prohibit, what he called egregious abuses of medical research--human cloning, creating or implanting embryos for experiments, creating human-animal hybrids, and marketing human embryos. President Bush declared, Human life is a gift from our Creator -- and that gift should never be discarded, devalued or put up for sale.something that received a resounding ovation from Republicans, but only tepid applause from the Democratic side of the aisle. In fact, the Democrats signaled that they were not in the mood to work with the President. The mood was actually defiant rather than cooperative.

Throughout the speech, the Democratic side of the chamber reflected the attitude of not a minority party wishing to do what is best for its country, but rather an opposition party, demonstrated by the glib smirk that fit Senator Hillary Clinton like a theatre mask. Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean responded by inferring that Bush was a liar who raised a lot of questions to which the answers would never come. Never as long as they control our government, never as long as they can execute the same incompetent, dishonest and destructive government without paying a price at the ballot box. Dean said, The answer will be "never" until we grow the operation and build the infrastructure to beat them.

And newly elected Virginia Governor Timothy M. Kaine also supported Deans remarks in the official Democratic response: "The federal government should serve the American people. But that mission is frustrated by this administration's poor choices and bad management."

The President discussed India and China as major economic competitors with the United States. This, and t he entire overview on the Middle East, the war on terror, and the moral conflict over border control, social security, the definition of marriage and on life issues, the President demonstrated that the fate of America is tied to the rest of the world. He said repeatedly that America cannot be an isolationist nation.

Events and policies are taking the country into a globalization, marching toward the one world order as prophesied in Daniel and Revelation and the Presidents own words signal that the one world order is at our doorsteps. President Bush said, “In this decisive year, you and I will make choices that determine both the future and the cha racter of our country. We will choose to act confidently in pursuing the enemies of freedom -- or retreat from our duties in the hope of an easier life. We will choose to build our prosperity by leading the world economy -- or shut ourselves off from trade and opportunity. In a complex and challenging time, the road of isolationism and protectionism may seem broad and inviting -- yet it ends in danger and decline. The only way to protect our people, the only way to secure the peace, the only way to control our destiny is by our leadership -- so the United States of America will continue to lead.

There is not an atmosphere in Washington, D.C. of cooperation and working together. The mainstream of the Democratic Party did not stand and applaud as did their Republican counterparts when the President said that life is a gift from our Creator. While its likely that the vast majority of Democrats value life and liberty in America as much as anyone, those elected as party leaders do not. And if they do not value life and liberty beyond their own personal well being, how can they value it for anyone else? Jesus said in Luke 11:17, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falls.Pray for America.


LET'S TALK said…
I cant understand your justification for saying the Democrats are against this Country. It appears to me that what ever this President said at his State of the Union has been just the oposit. Please keep an open mind and read what is really going on. Check out my site at www.blogtalkingpoints.blogspot.com and you will see that just yesterday their have been all kinds of cuts in programs that he said would help to get America off the back of the Middle East oil. Dont you know that the Congress just cut all kinds of programs, so that the $18 billion dollars for Iraq can be paid for and the tax cuts can go on as he wants it to. This tax cut is some what strange because no President has ever gave a tax cut to the rich and well off during a time of War and hurt so many other programs that this Country need for its Citizens. Maybe you dont feel it, but a lot of people are hurting right now and this President seems to refuse to see it. Please read what has been going on the last two days and compare it to what this man said Tuesday night. Hey, God's will is justice, peace and reconciliation and not domination and oppression.

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