6-30-21 The Hero We All Need
THE HERO WE ALL NEED Jonathan Landry Cruse Tuesday, 6 April 21 An overused trope in books and movies is that of the Chosen One: that singular individual the world waits for, the one who alone can conquer all that’s evil and finally bring back peace and happiness to humanity. Think Star Wars, Harry Potter, or the Matrix. It’s a captivating theme because it speaks to the fact that we all desperately want a hero in life. But did you know that this concept didn’t originate in the realm of fantasy or fiction, but in that of holy Scripture? The New Testament begins with people searching and longing for the Messiah, a Hebrew word that means “anointed one.” In the Old Testament there were many messiahs, or people who were anointed with oil as a symbol that they were endowed by God to perform specific functions for Israel. In fact, there were three offices, or roles, specifically that came with an anointing: the prophets, the priests, and the kings. These were all men chosen by God to lead a...