
Showing posts from June, 2012

Signs Of The Last Days

Signs of the Last Days - By Carl Worline - – Are we really on the very cusp of an imminent rapture that will end the Age of Grace and herald a period of tribulation that will wipe out most of humanity, or have we twisted and tortured the signs before us to tell us what we want them to say? Perhaps we need to take a step back and re-evaluate these signs. At such times as these I find that a mug of strong coffee and a huge cinnamon roll are most helpful to clean the mind of worldly distractions. Just like the proverbial tree hidden in a forest, there are so many warning signs of the end of the age around us that it is increasingly difficult to actually see the road, itself. Are we really at the end of the Age of Grace? What does the Bible say? The truth of the matter is that the Bible doesn’t actually define in so many words when the “end times” or “last days” actually begin. However, every reference in both the old and new testaments that r...

It May Be Latter Than You Think

Nibiru Lights Identified as Biblical 'Signs' Astounding Prophecy From Jesus! Monday, June 04, 2012 5:30 In these startling new warnings from our Saviour the so called 'Nibiru Lights' first photographed from a passenger plane over Melbourne Australia, are now correctly identified as part of the 'glory' and 'spiritual make up' of the proverbial 'wise virgins' who will "shine as the stars of heaven" and lead many to righteousness during the Great Tribulation. In the following prophecies you will also read some extraordinary revelations regarding the Two Witnesses, and the New Jerusalem as foretold in the Book of Revelation. excerpt..... But, I tell you now that the foundations of the earth shall be shaken! The earth shall rock! It shall be moved exceedingly. The heavens shall be moved! Back and forth, they will go! The deeps of the earth and the deeps of the oceans shall sigh! They shall move! The stars will be moved! Yes, mov...

Sounds Out Of Heaven?

Sounds Out of Heaven? - By Gary Stearman – Among the many strange phenomena we’re watching, a new development has emerged. There is a mystery afoot. Around the world, people have begun to hear strange sounds … bone-chilling, unexplainable, echoing, resonating, harmonic, crashing, metallic clamoring racket. It has forced many to think again about the coming apocalypse. All over the world, people are experiencing strange music and noise from the earth and the firmament above. Sometimes, it comes from the sky as droning trumpets that sound notes in the lower to middle registers, but are nevertheless musical in nature. Invariably, as they moan out their somber blasts, people are swept into a state of emotion. Some reports have them thinking of the end of the world … Judgment Day! Others tell of various listeners swept into a state of foreboding. That’s not all.There are growing numbers of reports on sounds of an entirely different type. These are explosion...

The Signs Of The Times Are Real

The Signs of the Times are REAL! - By Dontwobears Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was NOT since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be In light of the End of Times as we are seeing take place every day now, shouldn't we be more concerned with what the Bible tells us, than acquiring all that we can? Great Tribulation is an Ominous situation, especially in light of the fact, that the world will no longer be the same as we know it. There is great thought in that prediction! In other words, if you so choose NOT to believe in a God, that's just fine! Point is though, there is definitely a God, HE hates SIN, and should you turn your back on HIM, HE will turn HIS back on you! Coming from a Just God, that should give you great pause to reflect on your choices concerning HIM! It does NOT matter what YOU think or don't think, it's what GOD thinks and what HE has Prophesied HE will do! As the Comedian Ro...