
Showing posts from September, 2009


Nuclear 9/11...It’s Coming By Jason Lovelace Key Scriptures: “Their land is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made.” - Isaiah 2.8 “And it came to pass after all thy wickedness (woe, woe unto thee! saith the Lord GOD), that thou hast also built unto thee an eminent place, and hast made thee an high place in every street. Thou hast built thy high place at every head of the way, and hast made thy beauty to be abhorred, and hast opened thy feet to every one that passed by, and multiplied thy whoredoms…Behold, therefore I have stretched out my hand over thee, and have diminished thine ordinary food, and delivered thee unto the will of them that hate thee, the daughters of the Philistines, which are ashamed of thy lewd way.” - Ezekiel 16.23-25, 27 “The Lord sent me to prophesy against this house and against ...