
Showing posts from August, 2005


Katrina - The fist of God? - By Stan Goodenough - Jerusalem News Wire Today is going to be a terrible day for millions of people in the United States as Hurricane Katrina comes roaring ashore on the northern Gulf Coast of the country. Hopefully, prayerfully, despite the worst-case scenarios being predicted by many weather experts and others in the media, there will not be an enormous loss of life. But even if no one dies, the thought of hundreds of thousands of people having to leave their homes in the last 48 hours to stream out of the hurricane's path, not knowing what they will come back to – what will happen to their neighborhoods, their houses, their possessions, almost everything they hold dear – is a terrifying thought indeed. Untold numbers of people are about to be made refugees. Life, as many in the south-eastern USA have known it for generations, is about to change, painfully and dramatically. For millions more citizens in the "greatest nation on earth" – those...


Gaza to Katrina – A Devastating Two Weeks - Bill Koenig - Note from Bill: I will continue to connect the disengagement activities in Israel to the other very serious events and headlines up to the devastating Hurricane Katrina and then beyond. (You can review the news headlines below and see them for yourself.) And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:3 (KJV) I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. Joel 3:2 (KJV) To say the least, much has happened since the disengagement eviction began in Israel on August 17 (with preliminary work actually taken place during the 9th of Av — sundown on Saturday, August 13, to sundown on Sunday, August 14. The government of Israel didn't want the disengagem...


A Special Focus on the Middle East - Koenig's Eye View - This week, I am beginning a two-part series on relations between Russia, China, Iran, Israel, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, the Palestinians and the U.S. The tension between these nations (although it should be noted that the Palestinians are not a nation) and the U.S. is becoming an extremely serious issue which could very likely to lead to the fulfillment of some key prophetic scriptures from Psalm 83, Isaiah 13, Isaiah 17-19, Ezekiel 38-39, the book of Obadiah and other relevant scriptures. The U.S. and Israel are going to have to do something soon with Iran's nuclear weapons program. The U.S. and Britain have 135,000 troops at risk in Iraq. Israel has six million residents at risk. But Russia says any attack on Iran would have enormous implications. China signed a $70 billion oil exploration deal with Iran in late 2004. China's top defense minister has an ongoing relationship with Syria's top defense minis...


2 Corinthians 5:9-5:11 Introduction: The Bible teaches us that one-day Jesus Christ is going to return. Actually, His return takes place in two parts or stages. The first is called the rapture of the Body of Christ, the second the revelation of Christ. These two events will be separated by a period of seven years. During this seven-year period, those on earth will experience a time of great tribulation such as it has never known (Matthew 24:21). While this tribulation confronts those on the earth, the “raptured” or “caught up” saints will have the joy of celebrating the marriage feast of the Lamb of God – Jesus Christ. However, before the joys of the marriage feast, every believer must face a day of accountability as he or she stands before the Bema or Judgment Seat of Christ. There will be a “Payday Someday”. Revelation 22:12 “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” I. THE BELIEVERS APPEARANCE BEFORE THE JUDGMENT SEAT O...


A New Tower of Babel - A NEW TOWER OF BABEL - SUSTAINABLE EARTH AND UN DELUSIONS By: Dorothy Anne Seese - The bureaucratic international boondoggle hilariously misnamed the United Nations came together in 1992, without a great deal of fanfare that I recollect, to build a new Tower of Babel called "sustainable earth." Very simply, all they want to do is to manage the world ... not a very new or very creative idea. At least these folks did send expensive delegations to Rio de Janiero for playtime and to put together ambiguous documents to disguise their evil plans to control the planet. Someone had a good time while a few furthered their dark ambitions and documented them in so much verbiage that their plans are well hidden beneath seemingly harmless aims. A cursory review of the history of man will reveal that each and every attempt by a ruler, a nation, an empire, or simply a megalomaniac to rule the world has ended in dismal failure. The Tower of Babel is p...


THE DISAPPEARANCE By: John R. Funk Millions Disappear! Governments in Chaos! Dateline (soon): In an unprecedented happening of incredible magnitude, millions of people disappeared yesterday from their homes, schools and everyday activities. These disappearances were not limited to any single geographic location, ethnic group or socio-economic class. In America, the losses were staggering as every type of transportation and industry was affected. Undisclosed officials stated that the losses would have been much worse if the disappearances had not happened during late evening hours. As it was, there was still substantial loss of life as automobiles and buses careened out of control when their drivers were found to no longer be at the wheel. Similarly, a number of “red-eye” airplane flights dropped from the sky when flight crews disappeared from their posts. At the approximate time of the disappearances (estimated to be at 2:00 a.m. EST), most daily activities had come to a ha...


Israel is replaying an old, old, story - Hal Lindsey - It is an old, old story – almost as old as the Bible itself. Jews emigrate to what they believe is a permanent homeland. They settle in, build houses, plant crops and build families and communities. As usual, they find themselves reviled as hated interlopers, and, after a generation or so, they are expelled, and relocated, until the next whim of fate uproots their lives again. That story is being replayed for the umpteenth time, only this time, the Jews are being expelled to relocation camps by other Jews. As Israeli settlers – some of whom had spent a lifetime building their settlements – were carried away kicking and screaming by Israeli troops, jeering groups of Arab bystanders mocked them and Hamas terrorists fired mortars at Israeli installations. An Israeli woman at a roadblock in southern Israel set herself on fire to protest the evacuations. Five years of unrelenting terror – coupled with political betray...


Tom Cooper: "The Beginning of Sorrows" - The Israel Report, by Tom Cooper. There are no words to properly express the deep and tragic sorrow that has gripped my heart today, and is spreading like a dark cloud over the nation of Israel tonight. I live in a village that is literally on the green line, and I drive through Arab controlled areas to get in and out of Jerusalem every day. The body language of the Arabs is more brazen today, and the faces of the Israelis are mostly a blank stare of hopelessness. How can this have ever happened in a country that has fought so hard to survive, and has received the blessings of the Living God? All day I listened to broadcasts from inside Neve Dekelim and received phone calls from a friend inside and the desperation, and heartbreak was almost more than one could bare. Listening to a woman scream at the top of her lungs in hysterics the Shma, calling on the Lord, and wondering why God is letting this proceed, left me wondering the same th...
Behold,now is the acceptable time;behold,now is the day of salvation. 


Withdrawal Pains: Where is the Outrage? - Jan MArkell - Delusion has never run so rampant. In spite of months of prayer and protest by Jews and Christians, more than 1,700 Israeli families are going to be forced off of 300 square miles of their God-given land (Gen. 17:8). So "judenrein" (free of Jews) does it have to be that even buried Jewish bodies will be exhumed from this area and buried elsewhere in Israel. This is grievous for biblical reasons, but it also flies against the Bush policy on terror, and actually is but a giant reward for the terrorists. As the final hours tick away, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and other terror factions even with the PA/PLO have promised to continue to terrorize Israelis even after the pull-out. And all of this thanks to the U.S., Great Britain, the U.N., the E.U., and Russia. Great irony abounds here as well. Prime Minister Tony Blair has now cracked down on Islamic terror in the U.K. due to recent bombings, yet...


Would the US GOVT murder its own citizens to achieve its own twisted goals.Some people in the US think so.Check out this site and judge for


If al-Qaida has nukes, why wait to use them? - Analysts see major investment in complex, coordinated, devastating terror attack plan WASHINGTON – Recent al-Qaida attacks using primitive bombs and inflicting relatively small numbers of casualties have persuaded some that Osama bin Laden's terrorist network has been unable to secure weapons of mass destruction or has been unable to smuggle them into the U.S. and other key target countries. In the wake of a series of reports from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin about the nuclear terrorism threat, some skeptics of al-Qaida's ability to detonate nuclear weapons inside the U.S. most often suggest the problems with maintenance and technical attention. Others suggest Osama bin Laden may have purchased duds on the black market. Others point out that the triggers on suitcase nukes decay rapidly and have short half lives. The nuclear cores, after a time, fall below the critical mass threshold, say the optimists. Even the ...


THE LAST DAYS IN AMERICA Like so many believers in these days, I have found myself thinking a great deal about the end times. There seems to be a general acceptance among Christians that everything in the Scriptures seems to point to the fact that we are seeing the "beginning of birth pains", as Jesus promised. World events, and the prophecies of the Word of God, are coming together before our eyes in an amazing way. Christian bookstores have shelves of books dealing with the hows and whys, and even the whens, of the matter. There certainly seems to be a consensus that there will soon be a new political structure in Europe, from which will come a Leader who will make peace in the Middle East. In later years, there will be a massing of the world's armies in that part of the world, which will precipitate the return of Jesus. In all my reading on this subject, however, I had a growing sense of uneasiness. There was something nagging at the back of...