12-5-18 The Deception Machine

Daily Jot: The Deception Machine - Bill Wilson -
Earlier in the week, The Daily Jot cited a comprehensive report by PJ Media's Paula Bolyard that Google's algorithms are 96% biased in favor of showing liberal news outlets when searching for news about President Trump. She said "far too little attention has been paid to power brokers like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube and their ability--and perhaps even desire--to manipulate public opinion and shape the world into their own Silicon Valley image." Google promptly denied the allegation. Then CNN defended Google with a story headlined, "Trump slams Google search as "rigged"-but it's not." That story was the lead story on Google search. See how the cycle of deception goes into self-protection?
President Trump tweeted Tuesday, ""Google search results for 'Trump News' shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake New Media...In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out." Then there is the ongoing story of how the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid for a fake dossier on Trump, and the ex-president used it to get a FISA Court order to spy on Trump and his campaign. This fake dossier was leaked to the media and became the heart of the Russian-influence-on-the-election investigations. See how the cycle of deception is generated?
Now the top news stories are those centered around whether Trump is going to attempt to regulate free speech. The inference is that Trump is the fascist that the media has been saying he was all along. See how the media used a documented fact against it to turn a legitimate response into a straw man against democracy? This is just one example of what has been going on since before this president took office. Despite the media being called out over and over again about its ideological bigotry and political intolerance, there is no self-examination even in the face of the facts. We have seen several examples of this over the past two weeks, including the group editorial of over 300 outlets claiming Trump wanted to shut down freedom of the press. See the theme that is developing among them?
These leftists have used ideological subversion over the decades to brainwash people into believing what the media reports is not only truth, but what is right. Then they take the high ground and label anyone who disagrees with them as bigots or "phobes" of some sort. What does this have to do with Christianity? The deception machine has no bounds unless it is stopped by truth. The constant brainwashing to think secularly creates a chasm between truth and lie. The wider the chasm, the further people are from believing any truth. This has eternal implications because, as we know, Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me." The deception machine is a spiritual black hole to hell. Take heed that no man deceive you.


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